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  1. SetupBuilder 5 (SB5)
  2. Test
  3. Sb4 Pricing
  4. Make company name optional in user info dialog?
  5. Unzip in SB5?
  6. More then 30,000 serials in one complilation?
  7. Small setup.exe size
  8. Backup old installation?
  9. What product should I buy?
  10. Setupscript
  11. Setup Builder (Team5)
  12. Support for Primer Files in SB5?
  13. BETA Program
  14. It is possible to include and run a MSI package?
  15. Special PowerSetup to SB5 upgrade price?
  16. Which SetupBuilder comes with C6 Enterprise Edition?
  17. Are there plans to release a MSI version?
  18. Order in Start Menu?
  19. WebInstall
  20. Conditional .msi execution?
  21. "Encrypted" script?
  22. SetupBuilder 4 and 5 on the same machine?
  23. Install
  24. Request for beta participation
  25. Scripting in next version?
  26. Sub-components?
  27. Comparing file versions?
  28. Upgrade Order ST5615973
  29. Password length (min/max)
  30. added this and that
  31. Trial and registered .EXE in same setup?
  32. Participate in beta
  33. Feature Request: Nested components
  34. SB5 Beta Registration Codes
  35. SB5 Beta User
  36. Forum is back!
  37. Start/Stop Service
  38. License Agreement Print Button?
  39. License key in SB5?
  40. Detect a silent or test run?
  41. Our InstallShield 8 .msi stopped working on XP SP2
  42. 15 Setup Types
  43. Two separate installation folders in SB5?
  44. Combo box in SB5?
  45. SB5 beta will be released on Monday.
  46. Does SB5 come with a "compiler"?
  47. SB5 Beta Release 5.0.801
  48. Cannot load (Main) script
  49. SB5 is cool!
  50. 5.0.802 and 5.0.803 build tomorrow
  51. SB5 Beta 5.0.802 released
  52. Call DLL Example
  53. SB5 Beta 5.0.803 released
  54. SB5 Beta 5.0.804 released
  55. Suggestions to make script editor better
  56. Test/Run should automatically build
  57. Highlight Compiler Output
  58. SB5 Beta 5.0.805 released
  59. SB5 Beta 5.0.808 released
  60. SB5 is a must have tool!!!
  61. SB5 Beta 5.0.812 released
  62. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #815)
  63. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #816)
  64. SB5 order
  65. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #823) will be released on Monday
  66. Copying files from CD using script
  67. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #823)
  68. Debugger?
  69. Install software on *all" Windows versions?
  70. Not bad for a beta product
  71. SetupBuilder 5 IDE
  72. Screen resolution
  73. Trial and Full exe in same installation
  74. SB5 patching technology works great!
  75. Some minor bugs
  76. Beta 5 - How do I obtain a copy?
  77. No more dailies?
  78. Are there plans for user interface additional languages?
  79. SetupBuilder 5 and Windows XP SP2
  80. SetupBuilder 5 Beta Update [August 17, 2004]
  81. Detect MSI 3.0?
  82. Setup Builder 4 issue
  83. Zip and Unzip in SB5?
  84. SB5 installer size / InstallShield X replacement
  85. Get Ini Value......
  86. Script in uninstallation
  87. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #883)
  88. .883 beta - get attached error...
  89. Difference between SB5 Professional and Developer Edition
  90. Undelete Shortcut
  91. Use of DLLs
  92. Support for patching and rollback a patch??
  93. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #886)
  94. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #888)
  95. GREAT installation product!
  96. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #890)
  97. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #893)
  98. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #895)
  99. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #896)
  100. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #897)
  101. Conditionally Abort Installation
  102. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #900)
  103. Install Files Completed ?
  104. LiveUpdate update?
  105. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #908)
  106. SetupBuilder 5 (beta) Web Update feature "update"
  107. Run Program command
  108. Minor bug in Run Command dialog
  109. Launching SB5 with .sb5 file
  110. Two bugs in Define Setup Type
  111. Conditionally displaying a wizard dialog
  112. Code Signing Setup.exe
  113. Registry settings
  114. Accessing Script Variables from within "Call DLL" window
  115. Uninstall Action
  116. Do something during a Loop Wizard
  117. SetupBuilder 4 / SetupBuilder 5 information
  118. Name used in "Add/Remove Programs"
  119. Assignment of Shortcut Icons at runtime
  120. Best way to perform multiple installations of same program?
  121. Call my own DLL from uninstall.exe?
  122. Hyper-Threading
  123. Link a dialog to a feature?
  124. OS variables supported?
  125. LiveUpdate customization
  126. Define Wizard Dialog ideas
  127. Set Computer Name
  128. Shortcut Cannot Rename Error
  129. SB5 Window Save/Restore
  130. Installer EXE location
  131. Editing INI files
  132. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #939) released on October 29, 2004
  133. Idea for Browse
  134. What's the difference...
  135. Get Machine Name in SB5?
  136. Adding dir to PATH
  137. Patching...
  138. Lines numbers in Script Editor
  139. Run Program under Project Explorer
  140. Load DLL and Free DLL
  141. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #945) HOTFIX
  142. Free SB4 to SB5 upgrade or are there hidden costs?
  143. SetupBuilder 5 Beta Information [November 09, 2004]
  144. Call DLL showstopper
  145. Disable Timed-popout
  146. Common Definition tab
  147. Web Update functionality
  148. Detect Active Application
  149. Duplicate entries in Edit Environment Variable
  150. SB5 beta build #967 will be released on Friday, November 26, 2004
  151. Tips for improving Find
  152. Modify Feature selection
  153. Cannot delete Copy Folder Tree
  154. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #971)
  155. Command Line Compiling
  156. Shortcut creation/Files and Folders
  157. Install Date and Version information
  158. Checkbox values
  159. Debugging
  160. RUN script command
  161. Licence agreement
  162. Insert String Resource
  163. Memory could not be read
  164. Select a folder
  165. Extract ZIP file
  166. Crash on update
  167. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #986)
  168. SB5 beta build #991 will be released on Monday
  169. SetupBuilder 5 Beta (build #993)
  170. Add registry key at uninstall
  171. Change Shortcut Icons
  172. sb.4 exe
  173. Multiple-version patching?
  174. 5.0.993
  175. What is the difference between Developer and Professional Edition?
  176. SetupBuilder 5.0 Release Schedule [January 03, 2005]
  177. LiveUpdate enabled for SetupBuilder
  178. Documentation
  179. Detect if a program is running
  180. Uninstaller size
  181. Install different file with same name on WinMe and WinXP?
  182. Big problem with Run Windows Installer
  183. Remember Installation Folder Between Installs
  184. Help or Documentation Available?
  185. Delete Shortcut?
  186. Current Date Format
  187. Select File Dialog default value
  188. Edit Data Dialog problem
  189. EE fonts
  190. next dialog id error
  191. Problem with iDeploy after upgrade to 1055
  192. How to set default language?
  193. SetupBuilder 5 Developer Edition (beta) build #1058
  194. Upgrade
  195. SetupBuilder 5 Professional Edition (beta) build #1058
  196. Big wishes for next major SetupBuilder version
  197. Silent Install
  198. Install with data folder
  199. Create a folder based upon a variable
  200. Create new components
  201. Changing texts on dialogs
  202. Language translation
  203. How to determine that a folder is empty?
  204. Registering OCX?
  205. Shortcut, 'Start in' parameter
  206. How do I end stuff at the very end?
  207. How to disable a Feature
  208. Translation woes
  209. Dynamic help only works if I launch SB5 directly from EXE
  210. Web Deployment Option After Compile
  211. Check Boxes on Finish Dialog
  212. SetupBuilder 5 Developer Edition (RC2 - #1116)
  213. SetupBuilder 5 Professional Edition (RC2 - #1116)
  214. ScriptEditor
  215. SetupBuilder 5 Developer/Professional Edition (RC2 - #1124)
  216. More automation after compiling a script
  217. Help for newbe
  218. Changing [EXENAME] at compile time
  219. How to detect Clarion and ...
  220. Translation errors
  221. Run Program
  222. SB5 is truly GOLDEN!
  223. SB5 is a pretty cool piece of software!
  224. User specific serial information
  225. Pro or Dev?
  226. GUID function
  227. What happens when user reinstalls my software?
  228. Clarion's RED file?
  229. Check for files to be patched
  230. Extract a zip file during an installation?
  231. Detect files in use - not in this machine
  232. Happy customer
  233. Big problem with our current installer (not SetupBuilder!!)
  234. More on file patching
  235. Dialog processing
  236. SetupBuilder 5 Developer Edition (RC4 - #1151)
  237. Some problems with 5.0.1151
  238. #1151 - Auto Update Scan - no patching?
  239. Files and Folders
  240. Creating shortcuts
  241. SetupBuilder 5 Developer Edition (RC4 - #1154)
  242. SetupBuilder 5 Professional Edition (RC4 - #1154)
  243. Adding text to Ready to Install dialog
  244. Changing features presented in custom dialog
  245. Search improvements
  246. Text and Messages bugs
  247. SetupBuilder 5 Developer Edition (RC4 - #1158)
  248. SetupBuilder 5 Professional Edition (RC4 - #1158)
  249. Question: Making automated builds with custom individual serial numbers
  250. Creating a shortcut to a webpage