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View Full Version : Selecting a Feature on a script

03-13-2006, 02:01 PM
Hi again,

I'm currently using the following code to select (i.e. turn on) a feature after returning from a checkbox window:

If %CHECKBOXRESULT% Equals "1" on Position "1" Then
Set Variable %_SB_FEATURESID% to "_0008_|"

Afterwards, I can do:
If Feature "ASA" selected Then
Display Message Box "ASA OK\n" -- "ASA"

And it works! However, it appears that the feature is not actually getting installed.

Could you please confirm if this is the proper way to turn on a feature under script control?

03-13-2006, 02:03 PM
I forgot to say that "8" is the ordinal number of the ASA feature... As confirmed by the fact that the message box does display saying the feature is selected....

03-14-2006, 10:48 AM

Please don't do this! This is from the script:

Warning: It is not recommended to manually modify the %SB_FEATURESID% variable!

It's not possible to enable/disable features from within the script!

03-20-2006, 01:22 PM
Hi Friedrich,
Thanks for the feedback. I hope you add this feature soon!!

I don't want to use If statements to install files because I don't want to have to manually edit these when I add new files to the install....
