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View Full Version : SetupBuilder 5.4 Build #1463 is released

04-07-2006, 08:35 AM
SetupBuilder 5.4 Build #1463 is released.

As always you may use the "Check for Updates" option within SetupBuilder to
auto-update your current SB5 version.

You can also download the full SetupBuilder 5.4 install image by following
the appropriate link below:

For Developer Edition:

For Professional Edition:

Change log for release of SetupBuilder 5.4 Build 1463 (April 07, 2006)


IMPROVEMENT: Add [SB5_RUNTIMES] compiler variable (for future use).

IMPROVEMENT: Start Page: display up to 10 recent projects.

IMPROVEMENT: [SB#603291] Add Alt-Up and Alt-Down hotkeys to move script

IMPROVEMENT: "Edit Environment Variable..." script function can handle the
maximum individual environment variable size of 8,192 bytes.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Office XP menubar support.

IMPROVEMENT: [SB#604052] Add "Shortcut Target" option to the "Get File
Information" script function to retrieve the target from a
shortcut (.lnk).

IMPROVEMENT: [SB#604061] Add "InStrI" option to the "String Functions"
script function. Same as InStr() but not case sensitive.

IMPROVEMENT: [SB#603291] Save/restore last folder in the "Files and Folder"

IMPROVEMENT: Add "Do not Save/Restore last My Computer folder" option to
the General Options. Mark this checkbox to not save/restore
last folder in the "Files and Folder" view.

FIX : [SB#603231] "Register Font" item could not be deleted from
within the Script Editor.

FIX : Loop Statement: Loop (%LOOPID% Times) where %LOOPID% is <= 0
does not execute the Loop any longer.

FIX : Loop executed continuously if Number of iterations was set to

FIX : [SB#604051] InStr String Function was not working as expected
if X was set to 1.

CHANGE : IDE: minor cosmetic modifications.

CHANGE : "Edit Environment Variable..." script function: if the
function succeeds, the %_SB_ERRORCODE% return value is zero.
If the function fails, the return value is nonzero.

CHANGE : Loop Statement: Leave the Number of iterations field empty if
you wish the Loop to run continuously.

CHANGE : Compiler warning if Number of iterations in a Loop Statement
is set to 0.

CHANGE : Recompiled with Clarion 6.3 (9051).

REGRESSION : Shift-Space hotkey to add a script comment no longer worked in
the Script Editor.


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5