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View Full Version : SetupBuilder 5.4 Build #1501 is released

05-15-2006, 04:46 AM
SetupBuilder 5.4 Build #1501 is released.

As always you may use the "Check for Updates" option within SetupBuilder to
auto-update your current SB5 version.

You can also download the full SetupBuilder 5.4 install image by following
the appropriate link below:

For Developer Edition:

For Professional Edition:

Change log for release of SetupBuilder 5.4 Build 1501 (May 15, 2006)


IMPROVEMENT: [SB#605091] "Set File Attribute" script function can include
wildcards now.

FIX : [SB#604221] "#ifconst" item could not be deleted from within
the Script Editor.

FIX : [SB#605041] "System Restore Point" item could not be deleted
from within the Script Editor.

FIX : [SB#605091] Possible compile problem when using two percent
signs next to each other (%%) to use a percent sign in a
script function.

FIX : [SB#605131] Possible "Define Wizard Dialog command not allowed
inside a Wizard Loop structure" compiler detection problem.

CHANGE : [SB#604201] Change the Modified Time's time format in the
Project Listing.

CHANGE : Revamped Start Page.

CHANGE : Compiler command line switches are not case-sensitive any

CHANGE : Updated online help.

CHANGE : Recompiled with Clarion 6.3 (9052a).

REGRESSION : Remove a debug message from the "Delete Shared Resource" script

REGRESSION : [SB#605051] #msg and #msgbox compiler directives did not
resolve constants.


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

05-15-2006, 06:57 AM

> CHANGE : Revamped Start Page.

The ToolTip is incorrect and points only to a directory rather than a full
file name? Not sure if that is what you intended. So, the cursor stays as
an arrow when you go over a link rather than change to a Hand/pointer icon
as it should on links? Again, not sure if you intended for this. Just some
observations for next time. No Big Deal at all.



PS: Thanks for changing the "Time" format for us Americans.

05-15-2006, 06:57 AM
Hi Robert,

>> CHANGE : Revamped Start Page.
> The ToolTip is incorrect and points only to a directory rather than a full
> file name? Not sure if that is what you intended.

Yes, this is correct (introduced in build 1320).

> So, the cursor stays as an arrow when you go over a link rather than
> change to a Hand/pointer icon as it should on links? Again, not sure if
> you intended for this. Just some observations for next time. No Big Deal
> at all.
> :-)

I also see this from time to time. Restarting the IDE should help (but it
will come back). Unfortunately, it cannot be fixed from within our source

> PS: Thanks for changing the "Time" format for us Americans.



Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

05-16-2006, 01:18 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Was the "\n in variables in dialogs" problem fixed as part of this release?
Updated to 1501 but I still see "\n" rather than a new line?

All the best,


05-16-2006, 01:19 AM
Hi Simon,

Hmm, works fine here (see screenshot). I have this in my script:

Set Variable %TEST% to "test\nme"

Then I add the %TEST% variable to the DLG_WELCOME_TEXT text resotrce:


The wizard will install [PRODUCTNAME] on your computer.

It is strongly recommended that you exit all Windows programs before running
this Setup program.

Click Cancel to quit Setup and then close any programs you have running.
Click Next to continue with the Setup program.


WARNING: This program is protected by copyright law and international



Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

05-16-2006, 03:43 AM
Hi Friedrich,

I'm not adding the variable to a text resource. Rightly or wrongly <g>, I'm
using it direct as the instructions in the welcome dialog after:

Set Variable %TESTME% to "test\nme"

Couple of gifs attached...

Best regards,


05-16-2006, 03:43 AM
Hi Simon,

Create a new text resource and use the variable in that text resource.

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

05-16-2006, 07:50 AM
Yes it does!

Thanks, I get it now....
