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08-30-2006, 12:11 AM
Adding files:

SB5 is asked to install a file from a source folder and
if I remove the file from the source folder and attempt
to compile I correctly receive an error.

If I remove the file from the list in SB and attempt a
compile I am asked if I want to save my changes. I
answer yes and the compile proceeds. It shows the
error again. Examining the list of files in the SB install
folder reveals the file is back in the list so the changes
never actually did get saved.

Workaround, of course, is to press the "Save" button
on the main menu after removing the file from the list
and all is well.



08-31-2006, 08:53 AM

Are you using the "Compile" button or Build|Compile?


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

08-31-2006, 08:53 AM
Build | Compile


08-31-2006, 08:53 AM

Thank you. Then I think we have already fixed it. Am I allowed to send you
a new test sbuilder.exe tomorrow to test the fix?


08-31-2006, 08:53 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Unless you have specific need to have it tested, which I would be
delighted to do for you, I wouldn't worry about it. I know how to
work around it so it isn't a serious issue for me.

On another note regarding LSZIP, and please forgive me for
asking it here, but it just came up.

I am using wildcards to define the files to be included in the
backup. A folder includes all my TPS files that I wanted in the
backup so it was simple to include *.*.

I now have one file in the folder that I don't want to include.

Is there a way to use the wild card feature and then use another
flag to eliminate the single file from the list similar to what you do
in SB5? Or will I need to list each file independantly that will be
be included in the archive?



08-31-2006, 08:54 AM
Hi Lee,

> Unless you have specific need to have it tested, which I would be
> delighted to do for you, I wouldn't worry about it. I know how to
> work around it so it isn't a serious issue for me.

It would be great if you could test our "Build | Compile" fix. Just
to make sure it's really fixed.

> On another note regarding LSZIP, and please forgive me for
> asking it here, but it just came up.
> I am using wildcards to define the files to be included in the
> backup. A folder includes all my TPS files that I wanted in the
> backup so it was simple to include *.*.
> I now have one file in the folder that I don't want to include.
> Is there a way to use the wild card feature and then use another
> flag to eliminate the single file from the list similar to what you do
> in SB5? Or will I need to list each file independantly that will be
> be included in the archive?

Unfortunately, LSZip does not support an "exclude" function yet.
The only way to handle this is to develop your own include/exclude
function and then pass the file list to the LSZIP_INCLUDE() API.


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

08-31-2006, 08:54 AM
Thanks Friedrich,

Send me the exe and I will be delighted to test it for you.

