View Full Version : Cannot override [OUTPUTDIR]

09-25-2006, 01:31 PM
We currently have two installer project files corresponding to two versions of our product. I was trying to combine these into a single installer project file that chooses its source and output directories based on ini file settings. But I find that the output still gets written to the default location.

i.e., my script contains

#const $INSTALL_TYPE$ = Get Value from INI file: [SB5_PROJECT]\setup.ini
#set compiler variable [OUTPUTDIR] = "[SB5_PROJECT]\$INSTALL_TYPE$\Output"

The message box displays the appropriate value, but my output appears in the directory defined in Project Properties. I cannot set the output directory directly in Project Properties because $INSTALL_TYPE$ is undefined when SB tries to clean the output directory.

09-26-2006, 04:20 AM

[OUTPUTDIR] cannot be modified from within the script. It's read-only.

09-26-2006, 12:00 PM
I could work around this if "#copy tree" and "#delete tree" were available. Do you have any other possible workarounds?

09-27-2006, 06:02 AM

We'll check if it is possible to improve the compiler so we can set [OUTPUTDIR] from the script. At the moment I am not sure if it is possible...