View Full Version : Customers report missing system files after install

08-10-2009, 11:35 PM
3 customers have contacted me after installing my program made with setupbuilder. Here is one of them quoted directly"
"The installation went fine and then it asked to reboot the system to complete the installation.
When my computer was coming back up I started receiving numerous error messages about several system files
being missing. The computer could not be re-started. I had to repair the operating system from the XP install disk
before I could get the computer back up. "

Anyone else heard of this? We have had 100's of successful users, so what is going on here with these 3?

08-10-2009, 11:52 PM
Very easy explanation. You are replacing one or more Windows core system files and the system ask for a reboot because they are in-use -- Windows "replaces" the files during the reboot process. Never ever replace core system files.

Does this help?
