View Full Version : Unable to Register Clarion Templates

Larry Teames
03-28-2007, 01:43 PM
I am unable to use the buildin function to register my templates on WinXP Pro SP2 or Vista Ultimate. Under Vista, Clarion 6.3 starts up, but the register function fails (returns 0). Under XP, Clarion 6.3 does not even start up. In both cases, I am using the Clarion detection dialog, and specifying a variable to capture the path. It contains the base Clarion 6.3 path (e.g. C:\CLARION63). I have tried both marking the TPL files to register, and adding the Queue template file script element for each, but the Register script element fails in all cases (I have 4 TPL files to register, and all 4 fail no matter what I try). Any ideas would be helpfull.

Larry Teames
03-28-2007, 03:58 PM
Upon further investigation, it appears that the 1st of the 4 templates gets registered (not the subsequent 3), and only if the Advanced|Register as Clarion Template box is checked. IOW, if I add a Queue Existing item for the same file (rather than checking the register option in the instal file item), it does not force the file to be registered when the Register Pending item is executed). I have a test SB6 file if that would be helpfull in diagnosing the problem.

03-29-2007, 12:09 AM

No need to send the script. DDE commands seem to fail on that machines (blocked by protection software, etc.). There is nothing you or the installer can do here. The only way to solve this is to find out which software prodcuts block DDE commands.



Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

Larry Teames
03-29-2007, 10:07 AM
I don't think it's a DDE blocking issue since it does register the 1st of the 4 that are queued (under both XP and Vista). Regardless of what sequence the 4 are queued (e.g. appear in the file list), it always registers the 1st queued, and returns 1 to indicate success. Since this happens under both XP and Vista, and since an EXE I created myself which does template registration indeed registers all 4 (1 at a time by passing the filename on the command line), there must be some other reason for the problem (at least under XP). Are you sure the installer will try to register more than 1 template per install script?

03-29-2007, 10:10 AM

Yes, I tested this here with 5 templates and all registered ok.

To be on the safe side, would it be possible to send me the script and the template files?


Larry Teames
04-04-2007, 09:18 AM

Have you managed to test that script I sent you yet? I'm kind of in a bind with this.

04-04-2007, 09:44 AM

I am sorry for the delay. I'll test it later today. We had to bring SetupBuilder 6.5 into code-complete state. But if there is a bug in the template registration feature, we can still fix this in SB65.


04-06-2007, 05:32 AM

Okay, I installed Clarion 6 on a clean machines, then I unregistered all templates.

I compiled and executed your ClaTemplateRegTest.sb6 script (the last one your sent) and see the following (see attached screenshot).

Is this correct?


Larry Teames
04-09-2007, 11:52 AM
That result looks correct. If you used my script, then I would assume my script is correct. If that's the case, what might cause it to only register the 1st template for me (under both XP Pro and Vista Ultimate)?

Or are you saying you tested it with 6.5?

04-09-2007, 11:51 PM

Yes, I compiled your script with SetupBuilder 6.0 (Build 1750).

It also works with SetupBuilder 6.5.

IMO, "something" is blocking DDE commands on your machine.


Larry Teames
04-10-2007, 10:04 AM
You still didn't answer with any ideas as to what would cause it to register only the first template when I run it. I can really use some advice as to what to look for.

04-10-2007, 10:25 AM

I wrote:

> IMO, "something" is blocking DDE commands on your machine.

I remember a NG discussion some time ago (early 2006, late 2005?) about programs that are blocking DDE commands.

IMO, the first DDE command is executed on your machine (this registers the first template) and then it blocks all the next DDE commands. It has nothing to do with your script, I think it is machine specific.

I have tested your original script on all machines here and it never failed. But I think Charles Edmonds had a similar problem some time ago.


Larry Teames
04-11-2007, 01:08 PM
I have created a C6.3 32bit application that does the template registration via Clarion DDE and added it to the prev script I sent you. I added radio buttons for your registration approach and my registration exe.

When I run choosing your registration, it only registers the 1st template. When I run choosing my registration, it registers both templates without fail (under both XP Pro and Vista).

How can it be DDE blocking if my app (DDE client) works for me without fail and yours fails for me without fail?

If you wish, I will email you a zip file containing the new script, and the source and exe I created to do registration.

04-12-2007, 01:54 AM

The only thing I can tell you is that it is not caused by the SetupBuilder DDE code itself. We had a ticket open with Microsoft seven years ago and our DDE code (written in Visual Studio C++) was used to fix a bug in Windows. We did not change anything in that code for seven years now. The *same* DDE function is used in SetupBuilder 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x.

But you can use your own DDE feature without any problem. Just compile your DDE stuff into a DLL and call it from the installer.


04-12-2007, 03:36 AM
I have tested this again on five machines here (using your original .sb6 script, compiled with SetupBuilder 6.0 build 1750, OS not running under a VMWare session). Your installer registered all templates without any problem.

Can you reproduce this problem on another machine?


Larry Teames
04-12-2007, 09:47 AM
I just tested my latest script (with my approach added) as follows:

XP Pro SP2 P4 2.8ghz 2.5gb: mine worked, yours did only 1st
Vista Ultimate P4 2.0ghz 1.5gb: mine worked, yours did only 1st
Win2K SP4 P3 850mhz 750mb: mine worked, yours did neither

All 3 machines are running against C6.3 #9055, and have Avast virus checker. In all cases, I unregistered only the 2 wizard templates (leaving all other templates registered), closed C6.3, then run the install test. Upon completion I open the the template registry and see whats registered.

I understand that you have tested it extensively, and that it works for you reliably. Unfortunately, it doesn't work as it should for me. It may well be something that exists on all 3 of my machines causing the problem, but DDE is DDE, so i would think that if it is DDE per se, mine would fail as well. Perhaps its some kind of timing issue. Again, I'd be happy to email you my source files so they could be compared against yours to see if here is any significant difference. Not that I think mine is better than yours, but simply different, and perhaps useful in determining why mine and yours produce different results. Just let me know if you want me to send the zip file.



04-12-2007, 11:16 AM
Hi Larry,

It would be great if you could send me the code.

Our DDE code is pure C++ code (tested in the Microsoft labs to demonstrate and work-around a Windows DDE bug) so it "should" be perfectly OK.

The main problem is that it never fails on any of our machines so I cannot reproduce it and I have no idea where to look.

I tested this again on my main development machine (Clarion 6.3 build 9055, Clarion IDE not active, protected by ZoneAlarm 7). This time I unregistered only the 2 wizard templates (like you did in your tests). Executed the install that already worked fine on the other machines - it registered the templates without any problem.

I am lost...


04-15-2007, 08:50 AM

The only difference between our DDE code is that your code is written in Clarion and mine is written in C++. I checked your source code and the functionality is identical.

I am at a data center right now (to perform final SetupBuilder 6.5 tests) and we have installed C63 on 38 different test machines. I executed your script (compiled with SB60) and it registered all templates without any problem.

I am completely lost :(


Larry Teames
04-15-2007, 06:05 PM

I understand. Sometimes there just seems to be no apparent reason for differing results. At this point, per your suggestion, I have changed my script to use my DLL.

Please, might I be able to get a copy of the executable you have been running (as well as the script that generated it). I'm cousious as to whether the same executable that works for you will also work for me. If so, it would tend to point to my SB6 installation not being the same as yours, which could be why we get differing results.

