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View Full Version : SetupBuilder 6.5 and Armadillo Protection

06-03-2007, 08:28 AM

There seems to be a problem (item in review) with Armadillo protection from
within the SetupBuilder script (embed Vista-aware manifest,
Armadillo-protect application, code-sign application).

The following sequence in your script should work fine:

1. Freshly created application .exe
2. #embed Vista manifest (Permanent option ENABLED)
3. Call to Armadillo protection
4. #code-sign application (NOT permanent)

Special thanks to John Fligg for testing the above sequence.


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.5
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

06-05-2007, 03:30 AM
Yes just to confirm to all - this does work 100% ALL the time.

I have played about with file locations, naming conventions etc. and I
cannot break this sequence.

Thank YOU Friedrich for all your hard work this weekend trying to fix this.

John Fligg
SB Developer 6.5.1876

06-05-2007, 03:31 AM
In one of my ClarionMag articles, I pointed out the need for the sequence
1. Embed manifest
2. Wrap with Armadillo
3. Sign

If you try to embed a manifest AFTER wrapping with Armadillo, Armadillo's
unpacker will detect a corruption at runtime and will not unpack the
program. If you do anything to the app after signing it, Windows will
reject the signature as invalid.

If SB's "Permanent option ENABLED" isn't something you've explored...
that option tells SB to embed the manifest into the actual app in your SB
source path. Without that option, SB leaves your source app alone and
embeds the manifest into a copy or image of your app before including the
image in the installer. By using the Permanent option, you will modify your
actual source app, so Armadillo will be wrapping it AFTER the manifest is
From the SB 6.5 help:
" If this checkbox is not marked, the compiler leaves the original File Name
file untouched. The compiler creates a temporary copy of File Name and after
script compilation restores it to the original. If you wish to permanently
embed a Vista manifest to the application (File Name includes a Vista
manifest code-signed after the compilation process), mark this this
checkbox. "

If you've upgraded to C6.9056, you have the option of using that to include
the manifest. Then you can call Armadillo from within SB to wrap your app
and then have it signed.


06-05-2007, 03:32 AM
Thank you, Jane.

I think there is a bug in the compiler (item still in review). I don't know
if this is some kind of timing issue. The compiler should make a temporary
copy of the app.exe file (including time stamp). Then it should process
(embed manifest, code sign, etc.) the original file (not the temporary
file). After script compilation, it should replace the modified original
file with the "untouched" temporary file.

The following should work without the Permanent option (but it does not).

1. Embed manifest
2. Wrap with Armadillo
3. Sign

I read your (excellent) articles quite some times and never noticed that the
"non-permanent" option in SB65 seems to be broken :-( Not a problem here
because the "Permanent" option works...
