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View Full Version : Demo script - run app unelevated under Vista

06-10-2007, 04:42 AM
Installers have often offered the user a "do you want to run the app now?"
option when they finish installing.

This is highly discouraged under Vista, both because the installation
program is most likely running elevated, and it may be running under the
credentials of somebody other than the account that will actually be using
the app.

A very clever gentleman named Andrei Belogortseff has come up with an
amazing end-run around this problem:

I've written a little Clarion demo app and a proof-of-concept SB6.5 script
making use of his solution.

On a Vista machine, if I run the installer as an ordinary user but supply an
administrator account name and password when confronted by the elevation
using the regular SB6 "run" command, the app is launched at the end with
that administrator's username and running elevated.
using the DLL, it launches without elevation and under the context of the
original user (not the over-the-shoulder administrator.)

If you'd like to play with it, you can download the Clarion source and SB
script here:

You'll need to download one zip file from Andrei's article and extract the
DLL. You'll need to modify the source paths in my SB6 script also unless
you extract the zipfile into a folder called C:\Source.


06-12-2007, 04:20 AM
Hi Jane,

Very good one. Cool script!
