View Full Version : Cannot resolve compiler variables

08-02-2010, 01:44 PM

Since upgrading to 3015 (not sure which version we were on in this case
previously) - I'm getting a:

Compiler error GEN1030: cannot resolve compiler variables (script

Compiler error. That's the only error when compiling. I had to change 2
things: 1) switch some variables to non-command line mode (to compile from
the IDE) - these are not throwing an error now, 2) our certificate has
expired and while we're obtaining a new one (which seems harder than one
would think) we're turning this off for the interim.

I'm not sure where to check in the script to rectify this error. Can you set
me on the striaght and narrow?

Geoff (Capesoft)

The Capesoft inside scoop: http://twitter.com/geoffthomson