View Full Version : Manifest.. how to kill it?

08-02-2010, 02:06 PM
My exe has a manifest attached to it somehow.. I want to use the
setupbuilder manifest so it is w7 compatible.. but I get the errorcode 50
which I assume (because I turned on the skip and it compiled).

So I used sigcheck and it shows a manifest for my exe. In the global
properties / app settings of the app (exe) I have xp vista manifest off

So what other ways is there to have a manifest that I may not be aware of..
I might have done something long ago that I forgot... any hints would be


Ray Rippey
VMT Software - http://www.vmtsoft.com

08-02-2010, 02:07 PM

Comsoft7 BoTpl includes a Windows 7 Manifest Global template - be sure you
didn't add that.

do you have a manifest file in your working folder - ie

After checking things I have mentioned - DELETE your program.exe file -
compile it again - before you run SetupBuilder - start up your program.exe
in your working folder - does it show a manifested look?


From David Troxell - Encourager Software
Microsoft Forums NNTP Bridge - Instructions to use

08-02-2010, 02:07 PM
Well, there was a wvid_exe.rsc file in the project area.. got rid of that
and no more manifest.. also found a manifest file.. got rid of that too. I
have the bo template that creates the resource and embeds it into the exe.

So as usual I signed all my exe's, dlls, copied them to folders where
setupbuilder will find them.. setupbuilder created the manifest, but now the
file is no longer signed. I checked after the copy and the file was signed
before I ran setupbuilder.

I usually sign, copy, run setupbuilder... I'm guessing setupbuilder when it
adds the manifest messes up the signature? I left permanent on for the
manifest script so I could check the exe. I also did not check the 'do not
add manifestdepency' and the skip... only checked the permanent.

Perhaps I'm putting the embed uac manifest in the wrong spot in my scripts
in setupbuilder?



08-02-2010, 02:08 PM
Got it.. however setupbuilder does in fact destroy the signature if it is
signed and you just add the embed script to add the manifest.

I got to thinking that Frederich may have added a signing for an app.. and
he did... so I added that after the manifest... Ta Da! Guess I'll have to do
that for all my exe's.. the dll's are code signed with a batch file.



08-02-2010, 02:08 PM
> Got it.. however setupbuilder does in fact destroy the signature if it is
> signed and you just add the embed script to add the manifest.
> I got to thinking that Frederich may have added a signing for an app.. and
> he did... so I added that after the manifest... Ta Da! Guess I'll have to do
> that for all my exe's.. the dll's are code signed with a batch file.


Yes, Order is important -

UAC manifest -

optionally Armadillo protect -

then CodeSign EXE

If you haven't already - download the CHM version of this blog - lots of
screen shots and program install advice PLUS a whole lot more!

Product Description - App Data UAC Safe, MFG - Encourager Software
Internet Link - http://profileexchanges.com/blog/?p=120

I prefer to do everything within SetupBuilder, and that CHM illustrates a
lot of tips on how to do it.


From David Troxell - Encourager Software
Microsoft Forums NNTP Bridge - Instructions to use

08-02-2010, 02:09 PM
Thanks.. I did download all of that... it's great.

I was used to batch signing all my dll's and exe's, then copying into the
folders where setupbuilder then creates an install from files in those

However, now that I know setupbuilder can sign my apps, I'll just batch sign
my dll's only, (don't need a manifest for dll's.. right?), then manifest and
sign each exe through setupbuilder.

Thanks again,


08-02-2010, 02:09 PM

Obviously, use the method that works best for you - don't know much about
DLLs and manifesting - someone started some conversation awhile back, but
no one had definitive information about what is needed - at the time, I
think it had more to do with getting Microsoft's approval to use Works with
Vista logos.


From David Troxell - Encourager Software
Microsoft Forums NNTP Bridge - Instructions to use