View Full Version : Behaviour of shortcut icons

08-08-2010, 03:09 AM

A couple of points regards shortcut icons.

1. You declare the file with the icons in (usually the exe) but then when
selecting the actual icon you have to re select the file. In my case my exe
is in my dev folder but when I click on browse for the icon index the path
takes me somewhere completely different. Surely if the file has already been
defined when you click on the 2nd lookup button it should take you there?
Even better if it know the file it should open it directly.
2. I am not sure about this but there has to be a better way of doing this.
An icon has been defined as number 23 in the exe file. If I now add another
icon to my application that number can change. So the shortcut icons will
change and you might not realise it. Do you have any thoughts on this?


John Fligg

08-08-2010, 03:10 AM

Answering my own question #2I had this problem with the application icon
always changing position. So I renamed that to aaa.ico to make sure it
always was at the start of the list.

So maybe the way round is to rename the shortcut icons to aab.ico, aac.ico
and so on.

Not elegant but a solution - unless you can come up with anything better.



08-08-2010, 04:21 AM

> A couple of points regards shortcut icons.
> 1. You declare the file with the icons in (usually the exe) but then when
> selecting the actual icon you have to re select the file. In my case my
> exe is in my dev folder but when I click on browse for the icon index the
> path takes me somewhere completely different. Surely if the file has
> already been defined when you click on the 2nd lookup button it should
> take you there? Even better if it know the file it should open it
> directly.
> 2. I am not sure about this but there has to be a better way of doing
> this. An icon has been defined as number 23 in the exe file. If I now
> add another icon to my application that number can change. So the
> shortcut icons will change and you might not realise it. Do you have any
> thoughts on this?

Yes, you have to "reselect" the file in the Icon Viewer because the "Icon
File" is the file located on the target machine (after installation) and the
Icon Viewer helps you to select an icon from a file located on your
development machine. Completely different animals.

The Icon Viewer has no idea what %_SB_INSTALLDIR%\dmmain.exe is!
%_SB_INSTALLDIR% is a runtime variable resolved at installer runtime
(unknown at project design time).

If you know that the icon index changed (e.g. because you added or removed
icons), then you have to change the index in your Shortcut. You can use an
external resource editor to find out what the new icon index is or you can
use the built-in Icon Viewer.

Hope this helps.
