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04-13-2011, 12:47 AM
SetupBuilder is the best, hands down!

OK -- so I had to update my style sheet in my new release. There were two bugs in our style sheet (I forgot three characters twice) and then I wanted to add a whole new section to the bottom for our new availability calendar.

You are more than welcome to see it going here:

https://remote.roommaster.net/iqreservations/asp/home.asp (Click on new reservation and then next to see our new availability calendar)

But anyway ... back to SetupBuilder.

I couldn't wipe out my style.css (style sheet) with the new one because we have 1,000+ clients and they all have their own styles created by their web developers.

I could write a program to fix it - but why write programs when you have SetupBuilder!

So, during our upgrade ... I had two tasks.

1. Fix two lines in the CSS (style sheet)
2. Append the new portion of the style sheet at the bottom

I did try TYPE changes.tmp >> style.css but the RUN command didn't work in SetupBuilder.

But .... no need!

Did the whole thing in SetupBuilder!

Check it out.

Display Message Box "Press OK to update the Default style sheet (style...." -- "Updating Style Sheet"
Progress Dialog: Set Status Text #1 to "Updating Style Sheet ..."

/* find the two lines where the mistake is */
Set Variable %IQLINE1% to FUNCTION:Find Line ".rteT td, tr { /* rate breakdown table */" from "%_SB_INSTALLDIR%\IQReservations\stylesheets\style. css"
Set Variable %IQLINE2% to FUNCTION:Find Line ".rteH td, tr{ /* rate breakdown headers - day of week */" from "%_SB_INSTALLDIR%\IQReservations\stylesheets\style. css"

/* fix the mistakes! */
If %IQLINE1% Greater Than "0" Then
Text File: Replace Line "%IQLINE1%" from "%_SB_INSTALLDIR%\IQReservations\stylesheets\style. css" -- .rteT td, ..rteT tr { /* rate breakdown table */
If %IQLINE1% Greater Than "0" Then
Text File: Replace Line "%IQLINE2%" from "%_SB_INSTALLDIR%\IQReservations\stylesheets\style. css" -- .rteH td, rteH tr { /* rate breakdown headers - day of week */

/* read the temporary file that needs to be appended and add it to the users style sheet */
Loop (68 Times)
Set Variable %IQLINECOUNTER% to (Increment by 1)
Set Variable %IQNEWLINE% to FUNCTION:Get Line "%IQLINECOUNTER%" from "%_SB_INSTALLDIR%\IQReservations\stylesheets\availt able.tmp"
Text File: Insert Line "0" to "%_SB_INSTALLDIR%\IQReservations\stylesheets\style. css" -- %IQNEWLINE%

/* delete the installed work file */
Delete Files "%_SB_INSTALLDIR%\IQReservations\stylesheets\availt able.tmp"

Now, tell me that Fredrich didn’t think of EVERYTHING!

Robert Paresi

04-13-2011, 12:53 AM

> Now, tell me that Fredrich didn't think of EVERYTHING!

He got it all... I have proof!

Lee White

04-13-2011, 12:54 AM
ROFLMAO!!! Good one Lee! I needed that.


04-13-2011, 12:54 AM
Sometimes your humor sinks to new lows.... <g>

Jane Fleming

04-13-2011, 12:54 AM

> Sometimes your humor sinks to new lows.... <g>

Thank you... I try!<g>

Lee White

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04-13-2011, 12:55 AM
> Sometimes your humor sinks to new lows.... <g>

I had a sinking feeling someone was going to say that<g>.



Charles Edmonds
www.clarionproseries.com - "Get ProPath, make your Clarion programs ready
for Windows 7 and Vista!"
www.ezchangelog.com - "Free ChangeLog software to manage your projects!"
www.setupcast.com - "A revolutionary new publishing system for software
developers - enhanced for SetupBuilder users!"
www.pagesnip.com - "Print and Save the Web, just the way you want it!"
www.clarionproseries.com - "Serious tools for Clarion Developers"
www.ezround.com - "Round Corner HTML tables with matching Banners, Buttons
and Forms - Now with PNG support!
www.lansrad.com - "Intelligent Solutions for Universal Problems"
www.fotokiss.com - "World's Best Auction Photo Editor"

04-13-2011, 02:15 AM
It was pretty wet, or should that be dry... <vbg>

J André Labuschagné

04-13-2011, 02:15 AM
> It was pretty wet, or should that be dry... <vbg>



Charles Edmonds
www.clarionproseries.com - "Get ProPath, make your Clarion programs ready
for Windows 7 and Vista!"
www.ezchangelog.com - "Free ChangeLog software to manage your projects!"
www.setupcast.com - "A revolutionary new publishing system for software
developers - enhanced for SetupBuilder users!"
www.pagesnip.com - "Print and Save the Web, just the way you want it!"
www.clarionproseries.com - "Serious tools for Clarion Developers"
www.ezround.com - "Round Corner HTML tables with matching Banners, Buttons
and Forms - Now with PNG support!
www.lansrad.com - "Intelligent Solutions for Universal Problems"
www.fotokiss.com - "World's Best Auction Photo Editor"

04-15-2011, 12:30 AM



04-15-2011, 12:30 AM
Love it. Friedrich is a genius.

Greg Berthume

04-15-2011, 12:31 AM
> SetupBuilder is the best, hands down!

Thank you so much for your kind words!
