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View Full Version : Windows 7 And UAC and Elevations

05-21-2011, 06:57 AM
Hi Everyone

I know pretty little about the above and am hoping someone can help [about
to dip into it with Setupbuilder and code signing blah blah]. I am running
a program that creates a folder after importing an xml file. It keeps
telling me that the folder already exists. I suspect that this has
something to do with not seeing the folder when logged in because of
permissions and the elevation and UAC thingie. Is there a login that can
see all folders on a machine irrespective of who created or owns the folder?
I may be clutching at straws here but it is very odd indeed. I have even
checked the registry if there is any reference to the folder that is to be

Any ideas are welcome.


05-21-2011, 06:57 AM

It's not the login, it's the folder you are using. There are plenty of
posts on this in the SB newsgroup. Jane Fleming has written a lot about
this. Also look up CSIDL folders in SB and Clarion docs. C7 and Vista move
your data and INI files to a different location for each user if you don't
put them in the right locations.


05-21-2011, 06:57 AM
Hi Abe

Thanks so much for that.

This is actually not our installation nor program. It is a government
department program that generally works very well - we have installed it on
hundreds of other computers with absolutely no problem. What I am wanting
to know is if there is there a way of seeing if a folder exists physically
on the hard drive somewhere. How does one know what each login can see?
Can the administrator not see everything? The program says the folder
already exists but there is no trace of it.


05-21-2011, 07:00 AM
Depending on the age and ignorance of the program (i.e., doesn't have even a
Vista-aware manifest), it may try to write to verboten places such as
C:\Windows or C:\Program Files\Something.

If it does that, Windows will helpfully and per-user create shadow Windows
and Program Files folders inside each user's profile. You'll find them in

An administrator can see everything (assuming you tell Windows to show
hidden files). But if you haven't read up on the "split token" you may not
realize that an administrator isn't always an administrator. (And sometimes
you have to take ownership of a folder before you can see its contents.)

As Abe said, some of my clarionmag articles (4 years ago!!! Where have you
been, Dude??? It's a bit more pervasive than "blah blah". It's at least
up to "yada yada!" <g>) brilliantly and charmingly explain folder and
registry virtualization.

There's also a less exhaustive summary in the "Learning SetupBuilder Part I"
document that you can access from the left column on SetupBuilder's start


05-21-2011, 07:00 AM
Hi Jane

I, like tens of thousands of programmers and hundreds of millions of users
out there, have been avoiding the UAC blah blah stuff <lol> Seriously, it
has been met with disgust by most users out there. But it is time to get on
top of it. The reality is snookering everyone. This install set belongs to
a government department and the program that you run after it installs asks
for a destination folder to create. That folder has been created but has
vanished. It is still somewhere but Bill Gates and the universe alone have
any idea where it is.

Now, it would appear that the split token stuff is causing the problem. The
IT fellow, who is by all accounts brilliant and clued up and qualified and
all that is as blissfully unaware of the detail surrounding the split stuff.
He is quite typical of what is going on out there but it is now coming
around to bite us. Yes, I have got the latest and greatest SetupBuilder but
have not even looked at it yet - my bad. And as for your articles I will
consume them this weekend. Next will be the SetupBuilder notes and then
your notes on SetupBuilder and then the Windows 7 book I have in front of me
on the desk here. Hopefully by Monday I will have a vague idea as to what
is going on.

BTW - a while back I asked if you could send me your unofficial teaching
notes on SetupBuilder. You kindly did so but I have done the unthinkable
and lost much of what is in my in box. Do not ask how - it is too
embarrassing - as embarrassing as the day I formatted a system disk thirty
years or so ago. Could you please send me those again?


05-21-2011, 07:02 AM

The best way to avoid the "UAC blah blah stuff" is to deal with it once and
for all. Ignoring the issue gets more difficult to deal with over time.


05-21-2011, 07:03 AM
Agreed. Now all I have to convince are the IT Administrators.

J André Labuschagné

05-21-2011, 07:03 AM
Sounds of humiliation accepted <g>.

Email sent.


05-21-2011, 07:03 AM
You could have held out for a little more grovelling than that.<g>

Jeff Slarve

05-21-2011, 07:04 AM
OLD women have to know our limitations ;-)

Jane Fleming

05-21-2011, 07:05 AM
Thanks Jane - got the email and tucking into the articles. I am also going
to upgrade our install sets asap and look into the code signing as well.

J André Labuschagné

05-21-2011, 07:05 AM
> Thanks Jane - got the email and tucking into the articles. I am also going
> to upgrade our install sets asap and look into the code signing as well.


Lindersoft's Comodo Code Signing Certificate is one of the best values in
buying a CodeSign certificate.

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Process, and points to official web site pages and provides a check list
for the critial - preparation and actual ordering of the certificate -
recommend highly a "3 year" certificate!

Product Description - App Data UAC Safe, MFG - Encourager Software
Internet Link - http://profileexchanges.com/blog/?p=120


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7.9 - Encourager Software
Product Description - App Data UAC Safe, MFG - Encourager Software
Internet Link - http://profileexchanges.com/blog/?p=120

05-21-2011, 07:05 AM
Hi David

Thanks a ton mate. I will heed all your advice.
