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View Full Version : Code signing for the first time

05-26-2011, 12:53 AM
Hi There

Between all my other work i am getting there with this code signing useing
the Jane Flemming articale as a guide.

Eventually i got my certificate from comodo. I also downloaded the windows
SDK to get the signtool.exe etc...
I created the the pfx file with these tools. Following the articale.

Then i went to Setupbuilder and under tools/options/file locations i
changed the signcode.exe to signtool.exe.

Opened my project and went to settings/ Digital Settings and changed all the
fields but left Credential file and private key file blank seeing im using a
pfx file.

Now in my script i'm not sure where to embed the #code-sign.
For Starters i put it it the [features] section.

In The #code-sign I have the following

File Name D:\Projects7\Applications\CIMOS\CIMOS\cimos.exe
Web URL http://www.cimos.co.za
Timestamp http://timestamp.comodoca.com/authenticode
Credential File
Prive Key
PFX file D:\Projects7\Applications\ABBGarvs.pfx
Key Password **********

I then test and i get the following error "Compiler error GEN1053: Code
signing process Failed. Error Code 1"

Searched for the errorcode as well as gen1053 in the help but did nor get
any information.

Any ideas where i'm going wrong.

Much Appreciated



05-26-2011, 12:54 AM
Hi Andreas,

> Now in my script i'm not sure where to embed the #code-sign.
> For Starters i put it it the [features] section.

I would suggest to use the #code-sign compiler directive(s) at the top of
the script.

> Any ideas where i'm going wrong.

Assuming your password is correct (please double check this), I think your
firewall blocks access to the timestamp server. Add 'signtool.exe' and
'sb7.exe' to the "exclusion" list of your protection software product.

BTW, and make sure that you have the "Skip if file is already code-signed"
option enabled.

Does this help?


05-26-2011, 12:54 AM
> Eventually i got my certificate from comodo. I also downloaded the windows
> SDK to get the signtool.exe etc...
> I created the the pfx file with these tools. Following the articale.

If you are using Windows 7, make sure that you have the required capicom
dependency (depends on the version of your signtool.exe).




05-26-2011, 12:55 AM
Thanks Friedrich

All Up and working. I had to run the SDK stub for windows 7 then all worked.

I could see the digital signature when i right clicked and went to the tab
on my installed exe.

BTW under the details tab of the exe how can i get my information into there



05-26-2011, 12:55 AM
Hi Andreas,

> All Up and working. I had to run the SDK stub for windows 7 then all
> worked.


> I could see the digital signature when i right clicked and went to the tab
> on my installed exe.
> BTW under the details tab of the exe how can i get my information into
> there ?

The "Details" tab on Windows 7 (or the "Version" tab on XP) displays the
standard "version resource" information. For your own .exe, you have to
compile such a version resource into your application (when you build the
..exe with Clarion, Visual Studio, etc.).

To set the version resource information in your SetupBuilder generated
setup.exe, just use "General Information" -> "Version Resource".

Does this help?
