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View Full Version : Auto-refreshing of files on saved project?

07-26-2011, 11:50 AM
Hi there,

I have a question but its hard to explain what to ask, so let me try the best I can.

We have a saved project that we call FPA update. When we open this project, setup builder refreshes the files included in the update on its own to the newest version of the file and we simply have to recompile to have the latest update with the latest files. It works great, most time I simply open setup builder, select my project and simply have to hit compile to produce our new installer.

But I have had a couple instances where that has bit me in the butt. If there is a new file created in a folder that is included in my project, it does not automatically add it to the project and end up leaving the new file out. It always refreshes current files in my project but does not add NEW files to the project that have been added into a folder that is included in the installer.

I hope I have not been to confusing up to this point.

Well, my question is, is there a way to make setup builder check to see if any new files have been added to a folder that I have included into my project? Of do I have to manually add the new file to my included files list?

A lot of the time, when I build the newest update for our software, I do not have any knowledge of whether a new file has been added, so I am manually removing every file from my project and then re-adding them to make sure.

Any ideas,


07-30-2011, 03:35 PM
One possibility -

After each new version you push out, create a backup version folder containing all its objects and folders.

When you're ready to build a new version, run the Compare Folders Wizard between your current SB source folder and the most recent archived version. That should show you the differences.


Tom H.
08-01-2011, 12:56 PM
Another possibility -- use wildcards.

If your build folders are a snapshot of what you want, use wildcards to automatically include all files within that folder (or folder tree.)

That's one of the features of SB that I love -- I don't have to worry anymore about new/renamed/removed files. My scripts just work no matter how I change the contents of the folders.

Tom H.

08-08-2011, 03:00 PM
I may try the wildcards tip.

When in the files and folder area to add files. Can you now add the folders or files in a way to where they automatically refresh the files in the bottom pane? I know normally if I just open my project it will refresh with the newest versions of my files automatically.


08-09-2011, 01:02 PM
I guess for now, I will just remove all files from the files and folders area and manually reload them every time I make an update.

Any future plans to improve this?