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View Full Version : Some protocoll error 503010049

08-08-2011, 03:38 AM
I have a problem today with my w7 which I hope someone is able to help
me out with.

It all started with I got error that AVG and Defender was not up to date.
Their update mechanism did not work, it timed out.
Tried to uninstall AVG and reinstall, but it is not able to gather
required filed, it times out.
MalwareBytes doesn't update definition files.
Tried windows update, doesn't download files.
Tried to install Windows Security Essensials, doesn't download updates.

Then I tried my own SB installs. They too fail, with cannot download
manifest file and at least give an errorcode, 503010049.

I am pretty sure something has been completely messed up somewhere, but
I am not able to located the problem and am afraid to do anything here
that might worsen the situation.

Anyone knows what can completely lock down updates?


08-08-2011, 03:39 AM
Sounds as if your machine has gone incommunicado. (Did you post this
message from the same computer?)

Can you PING your update server? Can you download the manifest file from
there using IE?

If AVG has locked everything to the point of being useless, you could try
running msconfig and disabling it. That might let you run the installation


08-08-2011, 03:39 AM
Same computer. Normal browsing is no problem.
I can PING
AVG is uninstalled, so can't find it in MSConfig. BTW, it started with
showing problem with the linkscanner, had to disable that to test a
webapplication I am writing.
There are a number of "stopped " services in msconfig, i.e. Microsoft
Network Inspection. I don't know which should be running.

08-08-2011, 03:39 AM
> Same computer. Normal browsing is no problem.
> I can PING
> AVG is uninstalled, so can't find it in MSConfig. BTW, it started with
> showing problem with the linkscanner, had to disable that to test a
> webapplication I am writing.
> There are a number of "stopped " services in msconfig, i.e. Microsoft
> Network Inspection. I don't know which should be running.


I suspect you have a virus/malware.

I had to fix my Sister-n-law's laptop this past week - very similar

What I had to do was go to another computer and download the latest
MalwareBytes ( free version ) and burn it to a CD ( I did not use a Flash
Drive to avoid the chance of spreading the virus/malware ).

Then boot Window in Safe Mode with Command Prompt ( start pressing F8 as
you boot from power off until you see the options do to this ).

Switch to the CD and run the app ( be sure to get the 32/64 bit version as
needed ).

Skip the part where it asks if you want to get the latest updates ( most
likely this would not work anyway ).

Run a Quick Scan first.

On my Sister-n-law's laptop, the program found and killed two
viruses/malware entities.

Then I was able to reboot and connect to the Net as usual.

So I downloaded the updates in MalwareBytes and run the Quick Scan again.

This time ( even though the definitions were only a few days out of whack
), the program found and killed four more viruses/malware entities.

After that I rebooted and did a full scan and all was well.

In her case, it had shut down her SV's ability to check for updates, turned
it off, the same for MalwareBytes.

It had also disabled TaskManager, CMD prompt and other Windows tools.

You may not have the same exact viruses/malware, but your circumstance
sounds very similar.

Good luck and Death to Virus/Malware writers!



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08-08-2011, 03:40 AM
The wupdate was a true error, I tried with a wupdate.exe that was
deployed prior to me moving all the installs to a new server with
different file structure.

The general download problem was solved by removing every Windows Update
back to and including Service Pack 1.

Microsoft Windows - the biggest malware ever.
