View Full Version : Deleting files previously installed

08-29-2011, 05:11 AM
For example, on a previous install I installed files aaa.txt, bbb.txt & ccc.txt.
On my update I no longer want aaa.txt & bbb.txt but want ccc.tct and a new file ddd.txt.

I thought specifying '*.txt' in 'extensions to delete on clean' would do this - but reading the help it looks as if it does something different.

How can I make sure old files that are no longer required are deleted?

08-29-2011, 05:16 AM

Yes, Extensions to Delete on Clean—The compiler deletes files from the working folder (usually a temporary folder) where a project's configuration is built. Files with extensions specified with this property will be deleted when you perform a rebuild.

Would you like to delete the the existing files aaa.txt & bbb.txt on the target machine? If this is the case, just use the "Delete File(s)..." script function.

If the question is how to delete aaa.txt & bbb.txt from your project file, just go to the "Files and Folders" Visualizer and remove the files (and then add your new ddd.txt).

Does this help?


08-29-2011, 06:52 AM
I would like to delete the files from the target machine.
I have never used a script file - it is all done with the wizard.
Can you advise me on what to do - I want for, example to delete all files with the extension 'txt'.


08-29-2011, 07:07 AM

No problem. See attached screenshot. Let us assume, the .txt files are located in the default installation folder. Then you can use the "Delete File(s)" script function to remove all *.txt files.

Does this help?


08-29-2011, 07:09 AM
BTW, you can also send your project file (.sb7) to support [at] lindersoft [dot] com and we'll add the code for you. Just let us know where the files are located on the target machine(s).


08-29-2011, 08:05 AM
I added the script after 'Create Folders' & before 'Install Files' - that seems to be working correctly.