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View Full Version : Post to HTTP Server

04-05-2012, 10:04 AM

Can someone give a tip about the function "Post to HTTP Server"?!

Which program should I use on a Linux server?


04-05-2012, 10:04 AM
> Can someone give a tip about the function "Post to HTTP Server"?!
> Which program should I use on a Linux server?

You can use all "scripts" that can handle the HTTP POST method. No limit
here. For example, formmail.pl.

Quite a few SetupBuilder users POST specific information from the installer
to their server and the server sends automated emails. Or you can POST
information to a server, process the information on that server and send
data back to the installer (e.g. license registration information or unlock
keys). Whatever you want <g>


05-25-2012, 04:52 AM
A big question:

when i take this funktion, and immediately followed by a display message
box, but the code should appear.

> Return Values
> If the function succeeds, the %_SB_ERRORCODE% return value is zero.
> If the function succeeds, the %_SB_RETURN% variable value holds the server response.
> If the function succeeds, the %_SB_RETURNEX% variable value holds the complete HTTP response.
> If the function fails, the return value is nonzero.

is that correct?

Dirk Büchel