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View Full Version : Write to Clipboard during compile

04-05-2012, 10:08 AM
1. Is there an option that would allow me to write a message during
compiling of an installation script? This would be similar to "#msg"
except that instead of printing to the screen, it would write to the
windows clipboard.

The reason for this is that in my script I read information from files
and create a message showing the build number (we build our numbers
dynamically). I would like to be able to set that number to the
clipboard to make it quicker when writing an email to office about

2. Also, is there a way to get the displayed "#msg" or equivalent to
appear near the bottom of compiler output? I have it working today but
it appears near the top and I have to scroll up and find it (I know, I
am lazy<g>).


Barton Whisler
Prosoft Inc.
Tampa, Florida

04-05-2012, 10:09 AM

1. "Copy to Clipboard" option added to the "#msg..." compiler directive (see
attached screenshot).

2. This is not possible. #msg messages are displayed as they are processed.


04-05-2012, 10:09 AM

As far as the message position, it is not that big of a deal. As I
said, I'm lazy<g>.


Barton Whisler
Prosoft Inc.
Tampa, Florida