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04-24-2012, 03:16 AM
how can i change the licence text at runtime?

I've already defined license texts. But would like to share this with a
certain situation.

Does it work?

Dirk Büchel

04-24-2012, 03:17 AM

> how can i change the licence text at runtime?
> I've already defined license texts. But would like to share this
> with a certain situation.
> Does it work?

Sure. You have different options.

You can download two demo projects here:


1. You can use multiple "License Agreement" dialogs and statically link-in
the license agreements. Then hide/show the License Agreements accordantly.
See LicDemo1.sb7

2. You can use one "License Agreement" dialog and load the external .rtf
files accordantly at installer runtime. See LicDemo2.sb7


04-24-2012, 03:17 AM
Thank you Friedrich!

Dirk Büchel