View Full Version : Control Event IDs

06-13-2012, 12:12 PM
The common definitions.sbi includes

But I can't find anything about them in the PDF Help or Learning SB.

Do these relate to the Dialogs?

I have a Radio Button Dialog, and depending on user selection a fairly long process is carried out.
I want to avoid this process being carried out more than once, so I want to ignore the event when user clicks Radio Button, and just do it when user clicks NEXT.

06-13-2012, 11:59 PM
Please see the "Custom Dialog Demo X.sb7" examples and the Custom Wizard Dialogs section in "Learning SetupBuilder". The examples demonstrate and describe the event handling stuff. But as already mentioned, the standard "Radio Button Dialog" does not fire any event. Only the NEXT button does.

I have developed and uploaded a stripped down version of a custom dialog with radio buttons for you. It demonstrates how to handle events.


BTW, you should never ever handle any "long" process in the wizards. This does not make sense. You do all this AFTER the wizard, not IN the Wizard loop.


06-14-2012, 04:56 AM
I will have to get rid of my bad habits :-)
Thank you.

06-14-2012, 05:07 AM
Hehehehehe :)

The wizards are only there to "collect" information needed for installation and configuration. After the "Ready to Install" dialog (it is the end user's last chance to change installation options or cancel before the installer application begins modifying the system) you can start your long process.
