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View Full Version : Check Box Dialog (SB 7.7)

06-28-2012, 12:25 AM
I have a check box dialog with 4 check boxes. I need to check a couple
of them before displaying the dialog. The initial value of the selection
results variable is 0000. I need to set position 2 and or 3 to a one.
How do I go about doing this? I have tried the Set Variable with
bitwise OR (|) but can't get it to work.
Thanks in advance.

Darrel (Dee) Witham
Professional Data Services, Inc

06-28-2012, 12:26 AM

> I have a check box dialog with 4 check boxes. I need to check a
> couple of them before displaying the dialog. The initial value of
> the selection results variable is 0000. I need to set position 2
> and or 3 to a one. How do I go about doing this? I have tried
> the Set Variable with bitwise OR (|) but can't get it to work.

Assuming, it is a "standard" Checkbox dialog (and not a custom dialog with
checkbox controls).

Then you just set the initial value to 0110

Set Variable %CHECKBOXES% to "0110"

This will display the dialog with a marked checkbox #2 and #3. Checkboxes
#1 and #4 are unmarked.


06-28-2012, 12:26 AM
BTW, the "Check Box Dialog.sb7" project from the Examples Package
demonstrates this.


06-28-2012, 12:27 AM
I will not know which positions to set on until they run my install. I
may turn them both on or just one or the other on. How do I set, say
position 3 on and not touch the other positions?

Darrel (Dee) Witham
Professional Data Services, Inc

06-28-2012, 12:27 AM
> I will not know which positions to set on until they run my install.
> I may turn them both on or just one or the other on. How do I set,
> say position 3 on and not touch the other positions?

Just set the initial value dynamically at runtime (use the "Append to
Existing Value" Set Variable option).

For example:

Set Variable %CHECKBOXES% to ""

Set Variable %CHECKBOXES% to "0" [Append Value]
Set Variable %CHECKBOXES% to "1" [Append Value]
Set Variable %CHECKBOXES% to "1" [Append Value]
Set Variable %CHECKBOXES% to "0" [Append Value]
