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View Full Version : SetupBuilder 7.7 Build 3805 Maintenance Release

09-07-2012, 04:54 AM
SetupBuilder 7.7 Build 3805 Release Announcement

We are pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 7.7 Build 3805.
This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who
have an active SetupBuilder maintenance and support subscription plan. The
update contains some important bug fixes. We strongly recommend that all
customers upgrade to the new version of SetupBuilder 7.7 as soon as possible
to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.

If you do not have an active subscription plan, please contact your account
manager at sales@lindersoft.com.

SetupBuilder 7.7 Build 3805 (September 07, 2012)

IMPROVEMENT: [SB#2-08201] Add "Total Disk Space" option to the "Get System
Info..." script function to retrieve the amount of available
disk space of a specific drive and returns it's numeric size
in Kilobytes.

IMPROVEMENT: Installer: Add support for both RICHED32.DLL and RICHED20.DLL
Rich Edit Control versions. If the Windows core RICHED32.DLL
module can't be loaded (e.g. on Windows XP Embedded machines)
then the installer tries to load RICHED20.DLL.

FIX : [SB#2-08271] Installer: The "Exit Installation..." script
function triggered a reboot message when a reboot machine
action was pending.

FIX : [SB#2-08228] Installer: After launching a program non-elevated
from an elevated running setup, the reboot machine mechanism
did not work. The reboot/restart function internally failed
with ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD 1314 (0x522) --> A required
privilege is not held by the client.".

FIX : [SB#2-08311] IDE: The "Version Less Than" condition in the
"#ifcompvar" preprocessor resolved to an incorrect value if
the variable values were equal.

FIX : IDE: The "Version Less Than" condition in the "#ifconst"
preprocessor resolved to an incorrect value if the variable
values were equal.

FIX : IDE: The "Version Less Than" condition in the "#ifdef"
preprocessor resolved to an incorrect value if the variable
values were equal.

CHANGE : Installer: Recompiled (with VS2012 RTM) the GAC module for
assemblies targeting the .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.5 Frameworks.

CHANGE : [SB#2-08221] IDE: Try to detect "hidden" controls (length,
width, and height set to 0) controls in the Visual Dialog

CHANGE : Installer: Minor "event logging mode" modifications.

CHANGE : Installer: The "Reboot/Resume..." script function passes
shutdown reason codes to the ExitWindowsEx Windows API to
indicate "Application: Installation (Planned)" A planned
restart or shutdown to perform application installation.

CHANGE : [SB#2-09051] IDE: The compiler can detect unknown control
identifiers (warning GEN1117) in the "Wizard: Get Control
Info..." script function.


The full history list can be obtained through the following link:

Best regards,

Friedrich Linder

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