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View Full Version : Timed compiler message box?

David Webber
09-18-2007, 03:59 AM
Is it possible to put up a compiler message box for a fixed short time and have it disappear without having to press anything?

[I notice that code-signing the installer does something like this - which is actually quite useful, because when it appears I know at least my script has got as far as writing the installer executable.]

The reason I ask is that I am using (the incredibly useful) command-line compilation more and more, with useful batch files like:

start /wait sbuilder.exe /c %prj%\languagePlugIn09.sb6 /R "Dutch"
start /wait sbuilder.exe /c %prj%\languagePlugIn09.sb6 /R "French"
start /wait sbuilder.exe /c %prj%\languagePlugIn09.sb6 /R "German"
start /wait sbuilder.exe /c %prj%\languagePlugIn09.sb6 /R "Italian"
start /wait sbuilder.exe /c %prj%\languagePlugIn09.sb6 /R "Spanish"
start /wait sbuilder.exe /c %prj%\languagePlugIn09.sb6 /R "Swedish"

(which builds all my language module plug-in installers in one go). It would be nice for it to flash up a message each time (briefly) without me having to press "ok" as I do now.


09-18-2007, 04:22 AM

Yes, I think this should not be a problem. We have such a timed message box in the installer and it should be possible to add this to the IDE. We'll check this.


09-22-2007, 08:06 AM

"Timed Compiler Message Box" added.

Thank you for your suggestion.
