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09-29-2007, 04:37 AM
I just wonder how the version check works when replacing: Is it the File
version or Product version or something else that is checked? I _usually
change the product version when I do a release, and _usually the File
version is changed on every build. Now I have invested in a separate testing
computer and find that sometimes my files are not replaced, so I guess I do
something wrong with those files


09-29-2007, 04:37 AM

I assume you mean file replacement, right? It depends on your File
"Replacement Option".

Always — If the file exists on the target system, it is always overwritten,
regardless of the file version.

Never — If the file exists on the target system, it is never overwritten,
regardless of the file version.

Check File (Version then Date/Time) — Replace the existing file if it has a
version resource, and if it is older than the new file. If the existing file
does not have a version resource, the installer replaces the existing file
if its modification date and time are older than the new file.

Check File (Date/Time) — Replace the existing file if its modification date
and time are older than the new file.

Check File (CRC) — If the file exists on the target system, it is
overwritten if its binary contents is not the same as the new file.

SetupBuilder uses the numeric value to obtain the file version of a program.
It does not use the text value from the header file.

Does this help?


09-29-2007, 04:38 AM
> Check File (Version then Date/Time) - Replace the existing file if it has
> a version resource, and if it is older than the new file. If the existing
> file does not have a version resource, the installer replaces the existing
> file if its modification date and time are older than the new file.
> SetupBuilder uses the numeric value to obtain the file version of a
> program. It does not use the text value from the header file.

So it is the value in File Version translated to Clarion's version resouce.
It helps, I had several of those that did not autoincrement buildnumber. I
unchecked it because there's an error in the cwVersion resource that
geneartes a new value everytime you enter a procedure - I have fixed it in
my copy of that template
