View Full Version : Installer Style (functionality)

10-24-2007, 07:41 AM
I would like to add for my company software installs with 'our' specific design. It is unfortunetly also important for my boss for decission of purchasing good installer software. My observations :

In General information -> Installer style window
1. I have problems with setting 'default Fonts ' color . Is it possible to use other than black?

And also there are icons similar to Word's 'paste'.
2. I like the one next to 'static bitmap'. Is it possible to add in next build such functionality next to 'top bitmap' ? At the moment 'top bitmap' is 'pasted' with top left position to one specific point of the window. If I chose bitmap file bigger than one from the standard set , top right position possibility could give me kind of bacground for all dialogs. Such small change could be very functional, when bitmap with dark colors and font's color changable into bright one. Also side bitmap as a backgroung can be useful function 4 our purposes.

3. The icon in the 'color' section (Chose Background Color') - inside there are 'Standard Colors' and choseable componets , also I don't know how it works , any rules? ;-) I think it could be big functionality for all installs produced with SB6.



10-24-2007, 08:01 AM
Hi Michal,

1.) No, you can only use the standard (black). There are no plans to change this in future versions.

2.) No, this is not possible. The installer does an automatic bitmap resizing if it is executed on other DPIs. So you have to use the specified bitmap sizes.

3.) Just press the properties button and select the color. Then check the "Use Color as Background Color" checkbox.


10-25-2007, 04:28 PM
What plans for the near future do you have of giving possibility for developers to make 'own' styled dialog window? Will it be in SB7 ?

10-26-2007, 01:02 AM

Please see "What is Planned for Future Versions" in the manual or "F1" help.

Does this help?
