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View Full Version : Date/Time/Version replace

04-02-2014, 02:35 AM
When installing a file there are options to Always replace, or if Date more recent, or if Date/Version more recent.

What happens if the filedate (last modified I guess?) is more recent, but the Version is older? For example.
Does the file get replaced only if Date AND Version more recent, or
if Date OR Version is more recent?

I wondered why there isn't a Version only option.

04-02-2014, 03:05 AM

Date/Time is only a fallback mechanism (for application files). You can't rely on the file date/time to check if it's the latest version. If the application file does have a version resource (and 99.99999% have) then the date/time stamp check is skipped. That means, if the version resource of an existing file is older but the file date/time stamp is more recent then the installer replaces the file. That is by Windows development guidelines.


04-02-2014, 04:13 AM
Thank you. That makes perfect sense.
(But I didn't guess that this is what it does).