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View Full Version : How do I run 2 setup programs

da spud
04-03-2014, 07:11 PM
I have a situation where I have two different products that make connections to QuickBooks (one for WinDev and one for Clarion). BUT there is a helper program that works for both.

I currently have 3 setupbuilder scripts. One for the WinDev parts, one for the Clarion parts and one for the Helper program.

I would like to keep the Helper setup as its own program and maintain it only once.

So my question is how to make an install of either of the base programs include and install the Helper program?

--- Just a thought as I wrote this, could I have a install script for the helper program that was included in each of the base installs? That way I would just maintain that script and any changes would be reflected in both base installs.

04-04-2014, 09:11 AM
There are several different options to handle this.

Question: is this specific Helper a "separate" install (with its own unique Product GUID; uninstallable from the Uninstall Program Panel)? Or it is part of the "main" install(s)?


da spud
04-04-2014, 04:14 PM
Yes, I think it should have it's own GUID but should uninstall with the base product.

04-07-2014, 02:25 AM
Okay. Then I would recommend the following deployment scenario:

1. Compile your "Helper" tool with an unique Product GUID. I would suggest to create a silent install or launch it in silent mode at runtime.

2. Add the "Helper" tool executable to your main project(s). See attached screenshots. The code checks if the Helper Product GUID exists. If this is not the case, it "installs" the Helper.exe installer into the temporary Windows folder and launches it. Then it deletes the file.

This will install the Helper tool.

Does this help?


P.S. If you also need some tips on how to uninstall it from your main products, let me know.