View Full Version : wucheck from command line

05-25-2014, 02:53 PM
I try to get and use wucheck from my application and or through the shell interface and the command line.
It works without error but it doesn't give any results.
I was expecting it to show at least its results in the terminal window, but all I get is an empty string.

Is this normal ?



05-26-2014, 01:19 AM
Hi Maaten,

This is correct. It's a Windows GUI application (and not a console app). It returns a status code and you can process this! See attached screenshots.

Does this help?

05-28-2014, 08:18 AM
Hi Fridirich,

For the moment I solved this in a not so elegent way but at least it worls for now.

In my Local AppData folder I create an ini file and write value with 0.

I then run a personalised wucheckme where I added the following.

Now when I do:
fork: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\StakePoint 2014\wucheckme.exe"'
arguments: #('/C' '/S').

Which will modify the ini if a newer version is available.

If this is the case then I do: ExternalProcess
fork: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\StakePoint 2014\wucheckme.exe"'
arguments: #('/S').
To download the file and I'll close my application.

Before cleaning things up further One question remains:
Can I be sure that wucheck will pass any compagnies proxy with user names and passwords etc without asking questions ?
This is very important to know. I really would like setupbuilder just to do it, so I can be sure that connected computers will be update with what I serve them.



05-28-2014, 08:28 AM

Unfortunately, there is no screenshot. But quick question: why don't you use the standard Windows way to retrieve the return code? There is absolutely no need to "wite" the return value to an INI file. In Windows, you execute (e.g. using the ShellExecuteEx or CreateProcess APIs) an application, wait for its termination and then you retrieve the exit code.

BTW, if you have the wupdate.ini with the required proxy login information in your wucheck.exe folder then the client makes use of this information (see Lines 101 - 104 in the wucheck.sb8 project file).
