View Full Version : files/Folders UI doesn't show sub-dir from CommonFiles

05-04-2015, 12:04 AM
We have several products that share common .dll files. We need to install these .dll files to ~\Program Files\Common Files\[name]. I've created a variable using %COMMONFILESDIR%\[name]. The Files & Folders UI shows the Common Files sub-dir but not the [name] part. This makes managing the various files we're installing there a bit tedious as they disappear completely from that UI once I change their destination to the correct place meaning setting Details is a one-by-one task from the Script editor.

Should I be doing this differently?



05-04-2015, 01:56 AM

What we do in Installation Consulting Projects to handle this situation is the following:

1. Create [NAME] compiler variable. Set [NAME] to SubFolder\Yada

2. Add the [NAME] compiler variable to the Common Files subfolder

3. Add your files to "Program Files\Common Files\[NAME]" in the Files and Folders Visualizer or select the "%COMMONFILESDIR%\[NAME]" Location (Browse for Folder) in the File Properties.

Does this work for you?


05-06-2015, 07:53 PM
Ah! Got it. Thanks!