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View Full Version : questions regarding code-signing and SetupBuilder's history

10-26-2015, 03:10 AM

two questions really:

1. does anyone know of a GUI tool to generate self-signed code-signing certificates? I know it's bad practice; but for internal testing purposes what would a self-signed certificate hurt?

2. Is it possible to obtain every version of SetupBuilder ever made prior to version 7.5 to see how far the product has come along? I've been using SB developer since version 7.5 and have been absolutely impressed by it since then. My history goes back even further than that with the product wen a class was commissioned to be taught by me using SB 6, but it never quite made a bang like we thought it would (read "demand was there for it, but upper management thought to axe it from our class offerings because they thought it was redundant if students could learn to program and script elsewhere") I will admit I did see some pretty creative use of SetupBuilder in the first half of that class (and we didn't even cover editing the script since all of tasks the students wanted to perform could be accomplished from the visualizer*)

*NOTE: I've since then learned a few more tricks as my demands of the script have gotten "bigger and badder" but still, SetupBuilder has yet to fail me wen I need to get something done at work.

huge huge kudos to Lindersoft! you guys make my job 100s of times easier! I mean let's be honest here SetupBuilder 10 has gotten my out of a few different jams in just this year alone! I say that SetupBuilder is like a "meta tool" it can really be anything, a file distribution tool, a utility builder, and many others, one just needs to know how to mold the script.

OK enough ranting... once again thanks for the great work!

10-26-2015, 05:13 AM

First of all, thank you so much for your kind words!

1. I don't know of a GUI tool to generate self-signed code-signing certificates. And as far as I know, all online services that provide free 30-day "fake" test certificates do not support the new SHA-2 standard.

2. It is not possible to obtain every version of SetupBuilder ever made prior to version 7.5. But the following is a full version history:


Thanks again!


10-26-2015, 06:46 AM
Thanks for that! I am reading over that version history screen now and that looks like a fun read considering that tech docs are my favorite kind of reading material :-)

that last project I was working on (attachment stripped out I'm sure for copyright reasons) was not only a bit of a challenge considering I had never had to make a setup do that, but definitely fun to work on although I'm sure it won't see the light of day except for a few people at work who desperately needed that file. Heck, if Linder saw it and ran the project, I'm sure he'd (metaphorically) kill me for a total of 4 different times I say "Powered by Lindersoft SetupBuilder" or something similar. :D Am I violating the EULA by plugging SB like that?