View Full Version : SetupBuilder Vs. Everything Else

10-26-2015, 07:10 AM
OK here we go:

(note to Lindersoft go ahead and brag about this one to all your friends and family because we all know I really appreciate your hard work)

As stated previously, I really enjoy working with SetupBuilder. I've had the chance to work with some pretty big names in the install development space including:
* Installer VISE
* InstallShield
* Advanced Installer
* InstallAware
* and a few not so big names, too many for me to think of right now.

No matter what the other install builder tool's websites and sales materials might claim about ease of use both for me and end-users; they almost always fall short of 100% of their claims. SetupBuilder practically crushes the competition not only with its ease of use, but the rock solid support I get from Lindersoft. Whether it's packaging up something for work, or helping a friend package up some family photos for bragging rights; there's not a project in my mind too big or too small or too "out of the ordinary" that SetupBuilder can't handle.

Stupid question coming down:

Why don't I see every other installer being powered by Lindersoft? Seriously, big-name software companies need to get the best tool for the job, and that tool as we all know by my standards is SetupBuilder. I can't tell you how many times I've ran someone Else's installer and something break on my computer or not go right, etc. Not a problem with SetupBuilder. SetupBuilder installs my files right 100% of the time, flawlessly* every time on every computer

* 100% flawless metric based on me actually getting the code right... hey, I'm human and make mistakes :D

10-26-2015, 10:40 AM
Wow, thank you so much. Am I allowed to use this as a testimonial here:



10-26-2015, 05:44 PM

If I said

brag about this one to all your friends and family because we all know I really appreciate your hard work

that's practically a license to put it on national and international broadcast media.

in short JUST DO IT