View Full Version : GEN1077 after upgrading to sb10

David Webber
08-03-2016, 08:35 AM
Trying to compile my previously working .sb7 files after upgrading this week to sb10.

1. Lots of errors told me to use ScriptStructureValidation. Not sure why, but it I did so, and they went away. So far so good. But...
2. I'm still getting a few GEN1077 Syntax Errors (3) in lines setting registry entries. These always worked in sb7.

I attach an image of two of the lines in question. What is going wrong?


08-03-2016, 02:33 PM
Hi David,

SetupBuilder 10 has improved error detection. Please see your post dated 12-10-2014:.


And this one:


Does this help?


David Webber
08-03-2016, 04:24 PM
Now I'm seriously embarrassed. :-(

[My own copy of SetupBuilder was v7 until I upgraded to 10 on Sunday, but I work part time for the (UK government) Health and Safety Laboratory, and I recommended that they buy it. They did and got v8. I had completely forgotten I had encountered he same problem then! And I *did* search the forum this time without success. So my .sb8 projects on the employer's computer will have the double %, but my own personal ones never needed to get that far! My problem is that I only write installers once every two or three years, and my brain cells don't last that long these days :-( ]

Anyway it has worked again. Thanks.

08-08-2016, 06:43 AM
