View Full Version : Run Program

08-23-2018, 03:37 AM
Hi All,
trying to run my app, after the install...the script appears, as below..
however, the app does not run... any clues?

Run Program ("%_SB_INSTALLDIR%\faces.exe", "") [Feature:Always Install]
[Non-Elevated] [At Finish: Run the Work Order Application?]

thank you!

08-23-2018, 03:37 AM

> trying to run my app, after the install...the script appears, as
> below.. however, the app does not run... any clues?
> Run Program ("%_SB_INSTALLDIR%\faces.exe", "") [Feature:Always Install]
> [Non-Elevated] [At Finish: Run the Work Order Application?]

I would suggest to check the return codes:

If the function succeeds, the %_SB_ERRORCODE% return value is zero.

If the function fails, the %_SB_ERRORCODE% return value is nonzero. A return
value of 259 means the application is still running!

The %_SB_ERRORCODE% return value can also hold the last exit code returned
by the executable associated with the work item on its last run.

The %_SB_RETURNEX% variable holds the error code provided by the
GetLastError Windows API if the CreateProcess function failed. It holds a
system error code if a call to the ShellExecuteEx API failed.
