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View Full Version : Error code 0002:0005

10-23-2018, 02:19 PM
Hi Friedrich,

I have a client project that has a small stub program in SB that just
checks for updates. Worked for many years, no problem.

At one of my client's site they had some sort of issue over the weekend
that involved some "tech guy" installing an antivirus+firewall software
called Bull Guard and generally messing things up. This firewall
doesn't seem to have any options for exclusions, but even with it off
I'm getting an error from this little update checker stub:

One of the things they had done was to set my EXE to run as
administrator - of course without a clue about what that means - but
even if I run this SB exe separately it throws this error. It is set up
asInvoker and I checked the exe and it's not set up to run as admin.Â
This SB exe is several years old, but like I said, never had issues with
it. It runs silently when our programs runs and just checks if there
are updates for the program.

Basically this "tech guy" f...ed something up and I *know* I'll end up
having to clean this mess up one way or the other. I'll probably end up
re-installing but I wondered if you could think of a reason why this exe
all of a sudden acts like this?

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson
Icetips Alta LLC

10-23-2018, 02:20 PM
Hi Arnor,

Error Code 0002:0005 means that the stub loader unpacked the required
decompression DLL (lsunpack) into the temporary Windows folder. This
process succeeded -- otherwise, we would see a 0001:xxxx error code. Now
the stub loader tries to use the LoadLibrary() Windows API to load the
unpack DLL. This fails with GetLastError ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 5 (0x5) Access
is denied.

In other words, "something" locks the DLL. I am pretty sure their
protection software does it.


10-23-2018, 02:20 PM
Hi Friedrich,

> In other words, "something" locks the DLL. I am pretty sure their
> protection software does it.

Thanks for the explanation. Their "tech guy" just went to town on this
machine and it was just a total mess.

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson
Icetips Alta LLC