View Full Version : Does SB handle switcihing on and off Protected Folders in Win10

11-01-2018, 03:46 AM
Hi Friedrich

As per title, does the new SB handle switching on and off the protected
folders aka Ransomware protection in Win10?


11-01-2018, 03:47 AM
Hi Richard,

> As per title, does the new SB handle switching on and off the
> protected folders aka Ransomware protection in Win10?

do you mean programmatically enabling or disabling this option from the


11-01-2018, 03:47 AM
Yeah, thats what I mean, but can you also provide a facility to add
protected folders and allowed apps through SB as well?
I could do it using the registry, but as some software including
Clarion now using the My Documents to save work in, if someone has
Protected folders ON, then you can install the program it throws a
misleading error message and backs-out/reverses the installation and
users would be none the wiser to what the real cause of the problem is.

Re adding allowed programs, whilst you can add some programs through
the gui name *.exe & *.com, bin files you cant add (for a working
example try to install and run OpenOffice which uses a bin file), and
DLL's cant be used. However you can add these programs with special
extensions through the registry to get around it.
Re Protected folders, you can add as many protected folders as you
like, again you can add these through the registry and I was just
thinking a special facility to handle all of this in SB would draw
attention to the fact, this could help prevent headaches and head
scratching if a program is trying to install and Ransomware protection
is switched on.

Likewise do you also have any facility to add firewall rules? Again I
could call a command line and use netsh ..... to control the firewall,
add rules, remove rules for programs etc, but I wondered if this is
built in to SB as I set up my firewall on windows to block everything
going in and out by default and then create rules to allow programs
At the very least its an idea. :D


11-01-2018, 03:48 AM
Maybe SB could have a facility to check if Protected folders is
switched on and if it is, check the protected folders against the
folders the SB installer program will want to use, like
MyDocuments/Clarion11 and warn the user that it cant install because
Protected folders is switched on?

Just an idea, but could be a nice little facility to have and could
make users lives a little easier. :D
