View Full Version : Inserting several subdirectories with a lot of files

05-18-2020, 01:43 PM

Recently I bought a license for Capesoft's Chrome Explorer.
When I add those subdirectories to the Setupbuilder: "Would you like to
recursively add all sub-folder" ... I want that so click "yes", but all those
directories and subdirectories are empty. Chrome Explorerhas a lot of files
in those subsirectories...e afe hondred. Do I realsy have to add those by
hand ?

Piet Bouma

05-18-2020, 01:43 PM
Hi Piet

For File Explorer, what I did was to add all those tiny files in a zip
archive, include the archive in the SB installer, and use SB's "Unzip
File(s)" function to extract everything to the right folder during the
installation. It runs very fast.


Carlos Gutiérrez

05-18-2020, 01:44 PM
Hello Piet,

in the upper left browse of SetupBuilder you have the folders you want to add.
In the lower left browse of SetupBuilder you see the added folders.

Put the focus on the empty folder lower left.

Now add one single entry in the lower right browse. Here in "File Properties"
you go to the "File Linking"-tab. In the entry "Source Folder" you place either
the absolut or relative path to your data and in the entry "Source Filename /
Include the following files: (Wildcards accepted)" you just put *.* and thats

A screenshot: (I can't attach any file here on dBabble, the Web-interface of the SV-NG)


Wolfgang Orth

Please note:
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Bitte beachten:
Von Zeit zu Zeit passiert es mir, dass ich Antworten auf meine Postings übersehe.
Bitte nicht böse sein.
Im Notfall bitte Kontakt per Mail versuchen.

05-18-2020, 01:44 PM
Thanks Wolfgang,
But it's a no go. I have a lot of directories + subdirectories in which are a
lot of files. I still thinkg there must be a way to to this

Piet Bouma

05-18-2020, 01:52 PM

> But it's a no go. I have a lot of directories + subdirectories in which are a
> lot of files. I still thinkg there must be a way to to this

Add the root folder with the folders AND files option. See attached.

Lee White

RPM Report Viewer.: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/rpm/
Creative Reporting: http://www.CreativeReporting.com
CRT (cpcs) Support: crt-tech @ CreativeReporting.com

Hydrogen, the only CLEAN fuel and the future of clean air.

05-19-2020, 01:57 PM
Thanks Lee, all works fine.

Piet Bouma

05-19-2020, 01:57 PM

> Thanks Lee, all works fine.

Happy to help.

Lee White

RPM Report Viewer.: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/rpm/
Creative Reporting: http://www.CreativeReporting.com
CRT (cpcs) Support: crt-tech @ CreativeReporting.com

Hydrogen, the only CLEAN fuel and the future of clean air.