View Full Version : ... could not locate an associated application

01-27-2022, 12:05 PM
I create a new installer about once a decade:)

The installer is working so I decided to add wucheck_ssl support to it - but when wucheck_ssl /c runs, it says "The Web Update client could not locate an associated application to update" (and it goes on from there).

I didn't see anything in the help referring to this message. The pdf ref manual includes the message and shows the return code (-1). There are no diagnostic "hey Mark, you forgot <this>" comments in this area.

Not sure what I did wrong. I am using the default wucheck_ssl - didnt customize it etc.

I looked at the code and it shows this error being thrown if %APPTITLE% is blank. I have never compiled wucheck in the past and dont recall customizing anything to tell it an app title.

The installer that installs wucheck_ssl (via the standard syntax) makes no reference to %APPTITLE% .

I looked at my other installer (yes, only 2) and it does not make any reference to %APPTITLE%, nor does it appear to do anything different related to wucheck_SSL - BUT, it is a 32 bit installer.

This new installer is a 64 bit installer.


01-27-2022, 01:20 PM
Hi Mark,

quick question: so you install a native 64-bit application? That's why your installer is running in 64-bit mode?

I'll try to reproduce your 64-bit installer issue here and get back to you.


01-27-2022, 01:33 PM
Hi Mark,

quick question: so you install a native 64-bit application? That's why your installer is running in 64-bit mode?

I'll try to reproduce your 64-bit installer issue here and get back to you.


Yes, it is a 64 bit .Net addin to a 64 bit .net app.


01-27-2022, 01:52 PM

I'll check this on Friday and get back to you!

Assumption: it's very well possible that you have to compile your own 64-bit version of "wupdate" (I think your installer writes 64-bit registry keys and the 32-bit wupdate checks the 32-bit equivalent). Or even better (if this is the cause of this issue) we'll provide 64-bit versions in SetupBuilder 2022.


01-27-2022, 02:26 PM

I recompiled a copy of wucheck_ssl as 64 bit. Didnt help. Same message.


01-27-2022, 03:02 PM
So, it appears the problem is that the SET %APPTITLE% isnt working.

Here's the user's corresponding HKLM\Software\Lindersoft\WebUpdate\Apps\%APPKEY% (notice the WUCHECK_SSL64 - which is my recompiled 64 bit wucheck_ssl):


So that (above) references the user's HKLM\SoftwareLindersoft\WebUpdate\AppPaths\


Note that the key LOCAL_APP is present and is not blank.

I added this code to my 64 bit copy of WUCheck_SSL (blue line):


When the user ran the updated WUCheck_SSL64, he got this:


Seems like the HKEY get didnt get from the right place.

So I thought - I dont see "set x64 mode" anywhere in this installer - which is apparently not the same as "create a 64 bit installer"<g>.

So I added "Enable x64 support" and sent him another exe.


Same message - showing %APPTITLE% as blank.

Not sure if this is me, or WUCheck or something else:)


01-31-2022, 01:29 PM

Any news on this?


02-07-2022, 08:43 AM

Are you ok?


02-07-2022, 01:10 PM
Hi Mark,

sorry, Covid-19 slows down processes here and messes everything up :-(

I have uploaded my test source codes. I have compiled a 64-bit installation which initializes the 64-bit WebUpdate process. I have re-compiled the original WebUpdate client as x64. All files are in the ZIP.


Just for fun, please install WebUpdate_x64.exe (my x64 test installer) and after the installation, run WUPDATE_SSL.exe unter c:\program files\WebUpdate_x64. It detects the 64-bit configuration details.

Does this work on your machine?

Sorry again for the delay.


02-07-2022, 01:12 PM
BTW, please see Line 82 in the "WebUpdate_x64.sbp" project file. This includes the custom made 64-bit WebUpdate client into the installer.


02-07-2022, 01:23 PM
I had a feeling something was up:/

Hope everyone is ok. Will report back on my test results.


02-07-2022, 02:04 PM

I ran the WebUpdate_x64.exe installer as instructed. I then ran WUpdate_SSL.exe that was installed into \program files\WebUpdatex64\.

It didnt work. Then I noticed that the zip had 2 installers. When I ran the one in the subfolder, it worked as noted below.


However, there remains some mystery here... Other than including the more recently compiled wupdate_ssl.sbp, what was different?

There's no way to compare the wupdate_ssl.sbp you provided to the one I have without opening them both and eyeballing each line to see what's different.

Can you clarify the difference between the wupdate_ssl.sbp in my dist/1033 folder as compared to the wupdate_ssl.sbp in the zip you provided?

Likewise - what change is necessary to make wucheck_ssl work?



02-08-2022, 12:58 AM
Hi Mark,

sorry, the WebUpdate_x64.exe installer (Time Stamp 1:50 PM) was just a test installer to find out what might cause this issue. I forgot to remove it from the ZIP.

The WebUpdate_x64.exe (Time stamp 1:56 PM) is a simple 64-bit mode project. I compiled a 64-bit version of the original WUPDATE_SSL.EXE. Then I changed Line 82 in the WebUpdate_x64.sbp project to include the custom compiled WUPDATE_SSL.EXE (instead of the 32-bit mode standard one). As a result, WebUpdate works in 64-bit :-)


02-08-2022, 08:14 AM

It hit me in the shower this am that you were telling me that I just needed to recompile the wu modules AND be sure to tweak the include. Ill check that and circle back if it doesnt work.

