View Full Version : How to terminate 64-bit processes from SetupBuilder (a 32-bit application)?

02-08-2024, 03:14 PM
I looked through most of the "How Do I" posts and found only 1 that was related to terminating a 64-bit process from SetupBuilder. That post was from 2011. It indicated that it was not possible to use the Terminate Application command in SetupBuilder to terminate 64-bit processes, only 32-bit processes. However, Freidrich indicates to the poster that there might be a way to terminate 64-bit processes, but doesn't post information on exactly how to do so in his response. He also indicates that something would be included in the next version of SetupBuilder to address this. Considering that post was from 2011, and I am currently running SetupBuilder 2019.7, I am wondering if anything was ever included with newer versions of SetupBuilder.

Is there any way in SetupBuilder 2019.7 to stop a 64-bit process? Also, we've been waiting 2 years now - any idea on when SetupBuilder 2023 (probably 2024 by now) is going to be released?

02-11-2024, 10:58 AM
Hi Jerry,

you can stop a 64-bit process in 2019.7. Just switch to 64-bit processing mode, then stop the specific 64-bit process, and switch back to 32-bit. Does this work?

A new SetupBuilder 2024 test build will be available within the next three weeks.
