View Full Version : Billboards while installing

09-10-2005, 06:05 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Got the Billboards working, thanks.

OK, one more try at a stupid question.

If there a way to do the following:

Specify one or more Billboards to start from whatever position and then have them running while the files are being installed.

Something like the MS installs where you put up different messages or screen that the user can read while the files are being installed.

I know I can do it manually like the normal billboards but that is going to be a problem because you will have to edit the script everytime you add or delete files to install otherwise the time between slides or text messages is going to be different.

SB must automatically check how many files there is to install and then calculate when to display the amount of screens you have selected to space them evenly or for the time period you selected.

Is something like this possible?


Johan de Klerk

09-10-2005, 06:06 AM
Hi Johan,

The compiler or installer cannot do it automatically because of the powerful
If..Then..Else conditions, Feature and Sub-Features capability, etc. For
example, a Web Installation: Some users are still using the initial 1.0
version (requires a few hundred files to bring the machines to the latest
release) and others already have the latest version installed and only a few
files are required. So in this case the billboards would be displayed for
only 1/10 seconds (because the installer skips the files). Looks very bad.
So we give the developer a maximum of control. You decide where and when to
display billboards.

You have a billboard that should only be displayed if the user selected a
specific feature? No problem. Use the "If Feature" condition. A compiler
is not smart enough to decide what to do in this case.

Hope this makes sense.

Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

09-12-2005, 12:42 AM
Hi Friedrich.

Yip, I see what you mean.
Makes perfect sense.

You know I hate it when you always explain things in such a way that even I
can understand it.:-)

With you I never have something to complain about.

Have a nice weekend.

Johan de Klerk