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View Full Version : Passing information to SB

03-26-2008, 02:47 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Some time ago we discussed the option to pass a filename to SB on the
command line with information rather than passing individual options
and variables for updates on the command line due to limiations in
various OS'. I can't find this again and was wondering if this is
something you have already implemented or if you are planning on doing

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson
Icetips Creative, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas, USA

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03-26-2008, 02:47 AM
Hi Arnór,

Hmm, good question. Do you have any idea when we discussed this and what
the "feature" was supposed to do?

I fear I really need a "memory upgrade" <g>


03-26-2008, 02:48 AM
Hi Friedrich,

>Hmm, good question. Do you have any idea when we discussed this and what
>the "feature" was supposed to do?
>I fear I really need a "memory upgrade" <g>

Well... Don't remember when so I'm in the same boat on that one<bg>

The idea that I submitted was that it would be possible to pass
information into SB by passing a filename with the information rather
than use the command line because of the restrictions. My idea was to
use a xml file, but it could be ini file or whatever other format for
all I care. The idea was that one could construct this file, then
call SetupBuilder with this filename as a commandline and it would
read it and gather information from it about what project to compile,
what variables to set and to what, etc. etc.

OtherVariable=Icetips Creative, Inc.

etc. This could be set up as a simple XML file like:

<OtherVariable>Icetips Creative, Inc.</OtherVariable>

or something to that effect. Then you could just call sb like:

SetupBuilder.exe /xml=C:\Products\SomeProduct\sb6script.xml

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson
Icetips Creative, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas, USA

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03-26-2008, 02:49 AM
Hi Arnór,

>>I fear I really need a "memory upgrade" <g>
> Well... Don't remember when so I'm in the same boat on that one<bg>


I "think" it was this one:

It seems to me that I did not answer to the question, so it's possible that
I missed it :-(

> The idea that I submitted was that it would be possible to pass
> information into SB by passing a filename with the information rather
> than use the command line because of the restrictions.
> or something to that effect. Then you could just call sb like:
> SetupBuilder.exe /xml=C:\Products\SomeProduct\sb6script.xml

Well, I like your idea very much!!!!! Cool idea. I'll add this feature to
SetupBuilder 7 later this week.

Thank you for your suggestion!


03-26-2008, 02:50 AM

It sounds like either a INI type file with certain options and/or XML. For
those that still use command prompts <g>

Russell B. Eggen
Skype Clarion chat: http://tinyurl.com/2273lm

03-26-2008, 02:51 AM
Hi Russ,

>It sounds like either a INI type file with certain options and/or XML. For
>those that still use command prompts <g>

Unless Friedrich does like InstallShield and provides a COM object to
call SB for external control and compilations, command prompts are the
only way to go, or am I missing something?

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson
Icetips Creative, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas, USA

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03-26-2008, 02:52 AM
To be honest, everything I need can be put as part of the script. I've not
found a need for command prompts. Ever.

That is not to diminish your request.

Russell B. Eggen
Skype Clarion chat: http://tinyurl.com/2273lm

03-26-2008, 02:52 AM
Hi Russ,

>To be honest, everything I need can be put as part of the script. I've not
>found a need for command prompts. Ever.

This is for automation purposes, not really a requirement for regular
SB users, but for me for something I have been working on and
Friedrich knows about:)

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson
Icetips Creative, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas, USA

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03-26-2008, 02:53 AM
Hi Russ,

>To be honest, everything I need can be put as part of the script. I've not
>found a need for command prompts. Ever.

Just to make it clear: I sent this here rather that via email as
Friedrich doesn't always get emails from me so I posted this here as I
_know_ he gets his newsgroup fix<g> This is for a special purpose
software I'm writing and Friedrich has been very kind to add some
features and fixes to SetupBuilder in the past several months in order
to accomodate my needs and I am very grateful for his excellent

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson
Icetips Creative, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas, USA

Subscribe to information from Icetips.com:

03-26-2008, 02:54 AM
Hi Arnór,

> Just to make it clear: I sent this here rather that via email as
> Friedrich doesn't always get emails from me so I posted this here as I
> _know_ he gets his newsgroup fix<g> This is for a special purpose
> software I'm writing and Friedrich has been very kind to add some
> features and fixes to SetupBuilder in the past several months in order
> to accomodate my needs and I am very grateful for his excellent
> support:)

It's always a good idea to post questions, suggestions, ideas, complaints,
etc. here so others can participate and learn.

And I always check the newsgroups before I read my emails :)


03-26-2008, 04:55 AM

I got it. I really have. Please don't get offended when I answer *your*
question. You asked me how I use something, I told you. And you also
neglected to note in my answer that nothing in my reply affected what you
are doing.

Russell B. Eggen
Skype Clarion chat: http://tinyurl.com/2273lm

03-27-2008, 02:24 AM
Hi Friedrich,

>Well, I like your idea very much!!!!! Cool idea. I'll add this feature to
>SetupBuilder 7 later this week.

Awsome! One other thing: Would it be possible to call SB to have it
_export_ some information into that kind of strucutre, basically query
it for project properties? For example:

Query.xml file:



SetupBuilder.exe /xmlOUT=C:\Products\SomeProduct\Query.xml

and SB would update each node with the requested information?

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson
Icetips Creative, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas, USA

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03-27-2008, 02:25 AM
Hi Arnór,

> Awsome! One other thing: Would it be possible to call SB to have it
> _export_ some information into that kind of strucutre, basically query
> it for project properties? For example:
> Query.xml file:
> <ProjectInformation>
> <ProjectFile></ProjectFile>
> <OutputFolder></OutputFolder>
> </ProjectInformation>
> <Variables>
> <VersionNumber></VersionNumber>
> <OtherVariable></OtherVariable>
> </Variables>
> Then:
> SetupBuilder.exe /xmlOUT=C:\Products\SomeProduct\Query.xml
> and SB would update each node with the requested information?

Do you mean during the project compilation process?


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

03-27-2008, 02:25 AM
Hi Friedrich,

>Do you mean during the project compilation process?

Well... Yes and no<g> My idea was to call SB to get "static"
information about the project, basically what you see when you open a
project, be able to retrieve variable information etc. I realize that
it may not be possible to get that until the script is compiled. What
I'm specifically after is the information in the "General Information"
area and perhaps the variables and mostly just the variable names so
they could be picked for sending values over to SB later on - reducing
the need to type in the variable names and thereby reducing the risk
of typos (I know, I know, we never do that!!!<vbg>)

Being able to retrieve information after the compile would also be
cool and on that note it would be nice to be able to retrieve the
compile log even if there are no errors. Currently you remove it if
there are no errors which works fine as I can determine if there were
errors by the existence of the logfile. However it would be cool to
be able to retrieve the log as you pop it up during the compile
process (a different name perhaps that's overwritten each time?).
That way I could simply pop that into my logfile. Not a big issue as
I can grab the important thing when there is an error and log that
into my own log.

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson
Icetips Creative, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas, USA

Subscribe to information from Icetips.com:

03-27-2008, 02:27 AM
Hi Russ,

>I got it. I really have. Please don't get offended when I answer *your*
>question. You asked me how I use something, I told you. And you also
>neglected to note in my answer that nothing in my reply affected what you
>are doing.

No problem at all:) I was simply explaining why I sent this question
to the ng rather than a private email:) I know that most people never
use the command line options in SB (I don't either when working with
scripts) but I'm working on something (very, very cool and
interesting, hopefully I can reveal some of it next week!) that ties
in with SB and Friedrich has been very good about helping with some
features in SB that would really make this relationship shine;)

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson
Icetips Creative, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas, USA

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03-27-2008, 02:27 AM

Thanks! And the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of setting
options in an INI/XML file to run with the install. ;-)

Russell B. Eggen
Skype Clarion chat: http://tinyurl.com/2273lm