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Topic Review (Newest First)

  • 06-14-2004, 11:08 AM

    SB5 Beta Release 5.0.801

    Hello all,

    As you can imagine, SetupBuilder 5 (SB5) is a complex tool and very low level orientated (especially the native Win32 setup compiler). SoftVelocity did a great job fixing bugs in C6.1. Unfortunately, the Microsoft MDI bug hits us hard and we are still working on workarounds.

    After 801 days of development work, we have uploaded a first SetupBuilder 5 Developer Edition (beta) to our web site. Please use your SB5 beta login username/password and registration code to install SB5.

    We did not implement all modules yet. The following features didn't make it into the current release:

    01. HTML Online Help [under heavy development]
    02. Web update [Microsoft MDI bug]
    03. Debugger [Microsoft MDI bug]
    04. Check HTTP Connection... function [code complete; not implemented]
    05. Edit Environment Variable... function [code complete; not implemented]
    06. File Operations... function(s) [under development]
    07. Free DLL... function [obsolete]
    08. Load DLL... function [obsolete]
    09. Post to HTTP Server... function [code complete; not implemented]
    10. Register Clarion Templates... function [code complete; not implemented]
    11. System Restore Point... function [code complete; not implemented]
    12. Unzip Files... function [code complete; not implemented]
    13. Zip Files... function [code complete; not implemented]
    14. Billboard support [under development]
    15. Import Visual Basic [under development]
    16. Import Clarion Ship List [under development]
    17. Import Zip Archive [under development]
    18. Dynamic Dependency Scan [under development]
    19. Update String Resource [code complete; not implemented]
    20. Import String Resource [under development]
    21. Export String Resource [under development]
    22. Auto Update Scan [code complete; not implemented]
    23. Distribution Wizard [under development]
    24. Multi-Language Resource String Translations []
    25. Search Script [under development]

    There are still some known limitations and bugs:

    01. IDE Resizing [Microsoft MDI bug]
    - Please do not resize/minimize/maximize the IDE.
    - Close and reopen SB5 if the IDE looks "out-of-sync".
    02. Text Resource problems [under review]
    03. Script Editor problems [under review]
    04. Uninstaller problems [under review]
    - Error reporting problems
    - Cannot remove ODBC/Services/Locked files
    05. Sometimes the IDE does detect a modified script [under review].
    - Please save before compiling the script.
    06. Script Editor: Move Up/Down script items does not work when multiple items are selected.

    Some additional notes:

    01. Please test the drag and drop mode in Files and Folders
    02. There are 21 example scripts located in the \EXAMPLES folder. Please compile and run the examples.
    03. We'll make multi-language translation instructions available later this week.

    The Beta Program is expected to last about 6 weeks. Feedback during the Beta period will lead to fixes and enhancements in the product. We encourage you to provide feedback as early as possible in order to allow time to make code and resource changes. You will receive an email message informing you when the Beta program is closed and when the final product is available.

    Please note that SetupBuilder 5 is BETA software - it is still being tested and developed and features may change in future release versions.

    IMPORTANT: SB5 beta testers can download updates on a daily basis!

    Thank you for your help to make SetupBuilder 5 rock solid.


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