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  • 09-10-2008, 06:26 PM
    Doug I

    Re: Radio Buttons on Finish Wizard Dialog

    Hi Friedrich,

    Sign me up!
    I hope SB7 allows a lot of visual changing of the Wizard Dialog windows too.
    I have stated a long time ago that one should be able to introduce their own graphics to really make the installer look impressive. I believe I posted some screen shots of a very attractive installer at some point.

    Being able to completely change the boring White Header strip or introducing fancier wallpaper graphics would allow devs to make their own work of art installer, versus being forced to choose the "vanilla" templates that SB offers.

    When will SB7 be available?

    Do SB6 users have to buy SB7 or if they are on a subscription plan, will they simply get SB7 when it comes out?

  • 09-08-2008, 12:44 AM

    Re: Radio Buttons on Finish Wizard Dialog


    The pre-defined standard "Final Dialog" will not offer radio buttons in future SetupBuilder releases. Only checkboxes are supported.

    But in SetupBuilder 7, the new Visual Dialog Editor lets you create your own "Final Dialog" layout.

  • 09-07-2008, 10:40 AM
    Doug I

    Re: Radio Buttons on Finish Wizard Dialog


    I don't want to sound unappreciative, so let me say thanks for the example script. It will do the job and is an excellent workaround.

    The only drawback is the layout of the dialog does not show the image banner on left, and shows the white strip header on top. It's just not as cosmetically pleasing for the Final step of an install.

    Please consider a Final Dialog Wizard that could offer radio buttons in some future release.

  • 09-07-2008, 08:45 AM

    Re: Radio Buttons on Finish Wizard Dialog


    The standard "Finish" dialog only supports checkboxes. I have developed a simple demo for you to demonstrate the "Finish" and disabled "Cancel" button (see attached zip) when using the Radio Buttons dialog as Finish dialog.

  • 09-07-2008, 04:58 AM

    Re: Radio Buttons on Finish Wizard Dialog

    Hello Doug,

    I find it unorthodox to display such radio buttons at the end of the installation. Standard is to display those options before the Ready to Install dialog.

    My 2 cents.

  • 09-06-2008, 03:19 PM
    Doug I

    Radio Buttons on Finish Wizard Dialog


    I need a way to provide for radio button choices on the last step of the Installation wizard process. These radio button choices will run different applications of my choosing when the install finishes.

    After doing some experimenting, I replaced my original "Define Wizard Dialog (Finish)" command with "Define Wizard Dialog (Radio Buttons)" command located in my [Final User Interface] section of my script.

    I followed the example Radio Button 1.sb6 script with respect to setting a %RADIO_ITEMS% var for my choices and storing the selection result to a separate var. All ok... except that this dialog doesn't quite have the same feel as the Finish Dialog.

    The buttons at the bottom of this Radio dialog step show "Next" and "Cancel", when I need it to be "Finish" only ("Cancel" should be disabled since the install has completed already). It also does not show the left side banner image like the Finish Dialog either.

    This is my last wizard step in the install process, not one in the beginning or middle. It seems awkward and unorthodox to add an extra dialog wizard step just to get to a Finish Button. Hopefully I am overlooking something here.

    Am I using the wrong Wizard Dialog for this? Is there a way to introduce radio buttons on the Finish Dialog Wizard Window?



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