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What's the name of our main installation product (in uppercase letters), directly followed by the current year?


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  • 12-02-2011, 08:43 AM

    Re: Script.sb7 for error #ERR_DIR_NOTWRITABLE#" -

    *** [Problem solved and thread closed] ***
  • 12-01-2011, 12:10 AM

    Re: Script.sb7 for error #ERR_DIR_NOTWRITABLE#" -


    I might be wrong, but I think you have created an include script file (.sbi) and then later, you renamed it to a .sb7 project file. This is not allowed. You have to create a project (.sb7) and then you can use include scripts from within your project. But you can't simply rename a .sbi to .sb7.

    BTW, as a side note, your wizard handling is broken. As far as I can see, you are not using the "Loop Wizard" statement to handle all your wizard actions.

    I would suggest download the "Examples Package" and the excellent "Learning SetupBuilder Part I" (see attached screenshot).

    Does this help?
  • 11-30-2011, 12:56 PM

    Script.sb7 for error #ERR_DIR_NOTWRITABLE#" -

    When I run an installation script that I built with Setupbuilder version 7.5.3378, it compiled successfully, but at runtime, I get the error
    "#ERR_DIR_NOTWRITABLE#". How do I eliminate this error? Here is my Script beow (*.sb7)

    Set Variable %IDSTRING% to "" [Append Value]
    Set Variable %ALREADY_RUNNING% to FUNCTIONetect Active Application("%IDSTRING%") [Mutex]
    If %ALREADY_RUNNING% Equals "1" Then
    Display Message Box "Only one installation instance is allowed at a tim..." -- "DUPLICATE INSTALLATION"
    Exit Installation(0) [Cancel Wizard]
    /* Close Installation Log */
    Set Variable %MAINDIR% to ""
    Set Variable %APPTITLE% to "FACTOR 5.71"
    Set Variable %DISABLED% to "!"
    Set Variable %DOBACKUP% to "B"
    Set Variable %EXPLORER% to "1"
    Set Variable %SYBASE_DIR% to FUNCTION:Get System Info(Expand Environment Variable) for "SYBASE"
    If %SYBASE_DIR% File or Folder doesn't exist Then
    Display Message Box "Sybase Open Client is not installed on your comput..." -- "Sybase Open Client"
    Run Program \\ggc1\rac\cstools\sybase\open-client.exe (Always Install) [Wait]
    Set Variable %SYBASE_DIR% to "c:\sybase"
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\sql.ini" to "%SYBASE_DIR%\sql.ini" (Always Install) [Never Replace]
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "D:\users\wx964\SetupBuilder\factor"
    Set Variable %BUR_RADIO% to "1"
    Set Variable %RMO_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %DUB_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %FAR_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %GIN_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %RMO-T_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %WIC_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %SAS_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %BEN_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %HAY_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %CAL_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %BAS_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %SMA_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %LEC_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %IMO_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %BEL_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %CUR_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %JES_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %COE_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %ANK_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %NHD_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %PLO_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %MOD_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %PIR_RADIO% to ""
    Set Variable %SOR_RADIO% to ""
    Define Wizard Dialog "WELCOME" (Welcome) -- This program will install %APPTITLE% on your computer.
    Define Wizard Dialog "WELCOME AGAIN" (Custom Wizard Dialog)
    Define Wizard Dialog "SELECT PLANTS" (Custom Wizard Dialog)
    /* Define Wizard Dialog "#N/A" (Custom Wizard Dialog) */
    If %_SB_DIALOGID% Equals "$WELCOME$" Then
    If %_SB_BUTTONID% Equals "CANCEL" Then
    Display Message Box "Abort Installation?" -- "Abort Installation"
    If %_SB_RETURN% Equals "IDYES" Then
    Exit Installation(0) [Cancel Wizard]
    If %_SB_DIALOGID% Equals "$SELECT PLANTS$" Then
    ! Burlington Plant Test
    If %BUR_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_btest"
    ! RMO (Tractor) Plant Test
    ElseIf %RMO_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_ctest"
    ElseIf %DUB_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_dtest"
    ElseIf %FAR_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_ftest"
    ElseIf %GIN_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_gtest"
    ElseIf %RMO-T_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_ttest"
    ElseIf %WIC_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_wtest"
    ElseIf %SAS_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_stest"
    ElseIf %BEN_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_ntest"
    ElseIf %HAY_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_vtest"
    ElseIf %CAL_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_ltest"
    ElseIf %BAS_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_atest"
    ElseIf %SMA_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_mtest"
    ElseIf %LEC_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_etest"
    ElseIf %IMO_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_itest"
    ElseIf %BEL_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_htest"
    ElseIf %CUR_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_rtest"
    ElseIf %JES_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_jtest"
    ElseIf %COE_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_xtest"
    ElseIf %ANK_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_ktest"
    ElseIf %NHD_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_otest"
    ElseIf %PLO_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_ptest"
    ElseIf %MOD_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_qtest"
    ElseIf %PIR_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_utest"
    ElseIf %SOR_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% Equals "c:\factor" Then
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to "c:\factor_qtest"
    Define Wizard Dialog "BROWSE INSTALLATION FOLDER" (Select Install Folder) (%MAINDIR%)
    Define Wizard Dialog "READY TO INSTALL" (Ready to Install) ()
    ! When the BACKUP feature is enabled, the BACKUPDIR is initialized
    If %DOBACKUP% Equals "A" Then
    Set Variable %BACKUP% to "%MAINDIR%\BACKUP"
    Set Variable %_SB_BACKUPDIR% to "%BACKUP%"
    ! Begin writing to the INSTALL.LOG
    /* Open Installation Log "INSTALL.LOG" */
    ! Check free disk space calculates free disk space as well as component sizes.
    ! It should be located before all Install File actions.
    Set Variable %INI_EXISTS% to "N"
    If %MAINDIR%\FACTOR.INI File exists Then
    Set Variable %INI_EXISTS% to "Y"
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\work.pbd" to "%MAINDIR%\work.pbd" (Always Install)
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\factor.exe" to "%MAINDIR%\factor.exe" (Always Install)
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\maint.pbd" to "%MAINDIR%\maint.pbd" (Always Install)
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\report.pbd" to "%MAINDIR%\report.pbd" (Always Install)
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\shared.pbd" to "%MAINDIR%\shared.pbd" (Always Install)
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\unit.pbd" to "%MAINDIR%\unit.pbd" (Always Install)
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\Fcator.txt" to "%MAINDIR%\Fcator.txt" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\Star.ico" to "%MAINDIR%\Star.ico" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\Compobj.dll" to "%MAINDIR%\Compobj.dll" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\Ole2.dll" to "%MAINDIR%\Ole2.dll" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\Ole2conv.dll" to "%MAINDIR%\Ole2conv.dll" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\Ole2disp.dll" to "%MAINDIR%\Ole2disp.dll" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\Ole2nls.dll" to "%MAINDIR%\Ole2nls.dll" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\Ole2prox.dll" to "%MAINDIR%\Ole2prox.dll" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\pbdbt60.dll" to "%MAINDIR%\pbdbt60.dll" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\pbdwe60.dll" to "%MAINDIR%\pbdwe60.dll" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\pbodb60.dll" to "%MAINDIR%\pbodb60.dll" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\pbrtc60.dll" to "%MAINDIR%\pbrtc60.dll" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\pbsyc60.dll" to "%MAINDIR%\pbsyc60.dll" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\pbsyt60.dll" to "%MAINDIR%\pbsyt60.dll" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\pbtra60.dll" to "%MAINDIR%\pbtra60.dll" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\pbvm60.dll" to "%MAINDIR%\pbvm60.dll" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\pbfnt60.ini" to "%MAINDIR%\pbfnt60.ini" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\pbodb60.ini" to "%MAINDIR%\pbodb60.ini" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\pblab60.ini" to "%MAINDIR%\pblab60.ini" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\Storage.dll" to "%MAINDIR%\Storage.dll" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\Typelib.dll" to "%MAINDIR%\Typelib.dll" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\Calendar_image.BMP" to "%MAINDIR%\Calendar_image.BMP" (Always Install) [Date/Time]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\3of9Barcode.ttf" to "%MAINDIR%\3of9Barcode.ttf" (Always Install) [Never Replace]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\Factor.ini" to "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install) [Never Replace]
    Install File "\\ggc1\rac\factor\Install\Factorusr.ini" to "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install) [Never Replace]
    If %INI_EXISTS% Equals "N" Then
    ! Burlington Plant Test
    If %BUR_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install)
    ElseIf %RMO_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install)
    ElseIf %SMA_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install)
    ElseIf %LEC_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install)
    ElseIf %IMO_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install)
    ElseIf %BEL_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install)
    ElseIf %CUR_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install)
    ElseIf %JES_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install)
    ElseIf %COE_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install)
    ElseIf %ANK_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install)
    ElseIf %NHD_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install)
    ElseIf %PLO_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install)
    ElseIf %MOD_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install)
    ElseIf %PIR_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install)
    ElseIf %SOR_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factor.ini" (Always Install)
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini" (Always Install)
    Set Variable %WORKSTATION% to FUNCTION:Get INI Value("workstation") from "%MAINDIR%\Factorusr.ini"
    If %WORKSTATION% Equals "!" Then
    Set Variable %WORK_ID% to "!"
    Define Wizard Dialog "PROMPT_FOR_WORKSTATION" (Edit Data [Multiple Line]) (%WORK_ID%)
    If %WORK_ID% Equals "!" Then
    Display Message Box "Workstation Id will be left blank, Factor will not..." -- "Workstation Id"
    Edit INI File "%MAINDIR%\Alstrusr.ini" (Always Install)
    Set Variable %DESKTOP% to FUNCTION:Get Registry Key Value("Desktop") from "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
    Set Variable %PROGRAMS% to FUNCTION:Get Registry Key Value("Programs") from "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
    If %BUR_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Burlington " in Custom\%MAINDIR%\factor.exe\Burlington
    Create Shortcut "Burlington" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\factor.exe\Burlington
    ElseIf %RMO_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Trackers" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\factor.exe\Trackers
    Create Shortcut "Trackers" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\factor.exe\Trackers
    ElseIf %DUB_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Dubliner" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\factor.exe\Dubliner
    Create Shortcut "Dubliner" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\factor.exe\Dubliner
    ElseIf %FAR_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Jargos" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\factor.exe\Jargos
    Create Shortcut "Jargos" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\factor.exe\Jargos
    ElseIf %GIN_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "GrandIslander" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\factor.exe\GrandIslander
    Create Shortcut "GrandIslander" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\GrandIslander
    ElseIf %RMO-T_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Transmit" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Transmit
    Create Shortcut "Trasmit" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Trasmit
    ElseIf %WIC_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Grichitac" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Grichitac
    Create Shortcut "Grichitac" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Grichitac
    ElseIf %SAS_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Baskaboom" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Baskaboom
    Create Shortcut "Baskaboom" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Baskaboom
    ElseIf %BEN_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Benson" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Benson
    Create Shortcut "Benson" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Benson
    ElseIf %HAY_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "GDY Bay Tools" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\GDY Bay Tools
    Create Shortcut "GDY Bay Tools" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\GDY Bay Tools
    ElseIf %CAL_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Calhoun" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Calhoun
    Create Shortcut "Calhoun" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Calhoun
    ElseIf %BAS_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Basilidon" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Basilidon
    Create Shortcut "Basilidon" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Basilidon
    ElseIf %SMA_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "San Mauro" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\San Mauro
    Create Shortcut "San Mauro" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\San Mauro
    ElseIf %LEC_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Lecce" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Lecce
    Create Shortcut "Lecce" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Lecce
    ElseIf %IMO_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Imola" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Imola
    Create Shortcut "Imola" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Imola
    ElseIf %BEL_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Pela Gorigonte" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Pela Gorigonte
    Create Shortcut "Pela Gorigonte" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Pela Gorigonte
    ElseIf %CUR_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Curitiba" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Curitiba
    Create Shortcut "Curitiba" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Curitiba
    ElseIf %JES_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Jesi" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Jesi
    Create Shortcut "Jesi" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Jesi
    ElseIf %COE_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Coex" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Coex
    Create Shortcut "Coex" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Coex
    ElseIf %ANK_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Ankara" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Ankara
    Create Shortcut "Ankara" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Ankara
    ElseIf %NHD_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "New Holland" in Custom\\New Holland
    Create Shortcut "New Holland" in Custom\\New Holland
    ElseIf %PLO_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Plock" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Plock
    Create Shortcut "Plock" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Plock
    ElseIf %MOD_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Modena" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Modena
    Create Shortcut "Modena" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Modena
    ElseIf %PIR_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Piracicaba" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Piracicaba
    Create Shortcut "Piracicaba" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Piracicaba
    ElseIf %SOR_RADIO% Equals "1" Then
    Create Shortcut "Sorocaba" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Sorocaba
    Create Shortcut "Sorocaba" in Custom\%MAINDIR%\Factor.exe\Sorocaba
    Edit INI File "%SYBASE_DIR%\sql.INI" (Always Install)
    Process Uninstall Queue
    Set Variable %_SB_INSTALLDIR% to Shortpath("%MAINDIR%")
    Text File: Insert Line "File Tree: %MAINDIR%\" to "%MAINDIR%\INSTALL.LOG" -- File Tree: %MAINDIR%\
    Define Wizard Dialog "INSTALL END" (Finish) ()
    /* Define Wizard Dialog "#N/A" (Custom Wizard Dialog) */
    If %_SB_DIALOGID% Equals "INSTALL END" Then
    If %_SB_BUTTONID% Equals "Finish" Then
    Exit Installation(0)

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