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What's the name of our main installation product (in uppercase letters), directly followed by the current year?


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  • 06-12-2012, 03:20 AM

    Re: Combining installers

    Thanks for the info.

    I think it's something I need to do in-house as there would be regular updates to the master installer as new smaller additions are made. I sell several programs separately or a complete collection that contains all the other programs so it keeps growing - it's not just a one-off.

  • 06-12-2012, 01:29 AM

    Re: Combining installers


    It all depends on your deployment strategy. In most cases, a simple "copy and paste" to combine different installers into a single setup.exe is not possible. Remember, you have different product names, different product guids, different installation folders, update and replacement strategies, etc.

    The only non-coding (for you) way of combining them is our Script Writing Consulting Service. Unfortunately, we are fully booked until 2Q 2013 (next year) for larger projects. But if you are interested, you can send your project files (with your deadline) to consulting [at] lindersoft [dot] com and we can review them and check if we can handle it (e.g. if it is a smaller consulting project).

  • 06-12-2012, 01:13 AM

    Re: Combining installers

    Thanks for the prompt reply.

    The one setup.exe option is the best option for me. Basically I was looking for a shortcut way of combining all the separate 'setup.exe' files I already have for the separate products into one so that I didn't have to 're-invent the wheel'. So do this should I be looking to copy and paste the various bits of code from the various projects or is there a 'non-coding' way of combining them?

    Thanks again.

  • 06-12-2012, 12:24 AM

    Re: Combining installers

    Hi John,

    Yes, you can develop a project that contains everything. You have several options. For example, you can write a wrapper SETUP.EXE and include (embed) all existing installers into that wrapper. Then launch (from the wrapper) what is required. Not the ideal solution. Or you can develop one SETUP.EXE that can be used to install all of your different products (with different Product GUIDs). That means, you can have one SETUP.EXE that lets you install completely different products (all from the same installer); absolutely no problem.

    But it all depends on your deployment strategy.

  • 06-11-2012, 11:42 AM

    Combining installers


    I've several SetupBuilder installers for various products but I also sell a combination pack of all the various programs. Is there a way to combine the separate installers into one installer that contains everything?



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