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What's the name of our main installation product (in uppercase letters), directly followed by the current year?


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  • 06-02-2014, 04:02 AM

    Re: Customize shortcuts as per windows 8 style


    Quote Originally Posted by avsaravanan View Post
    [*]In that do we have an option to customize dimension of tiles (W x H) ?.
    No, because Windows does not allow it. But this is by Windows design and not a SetupBuilder limitation!

    Quote Originally Posted by avsaravanan View Post
    [*]Also, do we have option to set background color for the tile?
    No, by Windows design, this is not possible.

  • 06-02-2014, 03:55 AM

    Re: Customize shortcuts as per windows 8 style

    Hi Friedrich,

    Thanks for the information which you shared thru those 3 links. Earlier I was not even clear what I want. Now I got some idea and now we are moving to Setup Builder 8.
    With that, I have some queries.
    Yes I found the option to pin a shortcut in start screen as tiles.
    1. In that do we have an option to customize dimension of tiles (W x H) ?.
    2. Also, do we have option to set background color for the tile?

    A. Vijayasaravanan
  • 05-16-2014, 05:03 AM

    Re: Customize shortcuts as per windows 8 style


    First of all, you need SetupBuilder 8.1 to make your installation Windows 8.1-aware and compliant. Otherwise, your install runs in legacy mode. SetupBuilder 7.1 reached end-of-life (EOL) status four years ago on July 26, 2010 and does not no nothing about Windows 8.x. It's not possible to use SetupBuilder 7.x to correctly install an application on Windows 8.1.

    To answer the shortcut question: not sure what you mean by "Windows 8 look and feel" but the shortcut is controlled by the Windows operating system (including sort order). So if you run the install on Windows 8.1 then Windows creates the shortcut in the context of Windows 8.1.

    Some interesting readings:

    Does this help?

    BTW, don't get confused by Modern UI apps (previously known as Metro apps) tiles. Modern UI apps and Win32/Win64 apps are completely different animals with different looking "shortcuts" (so perhaps that is what you mean with "Windows 8 look and feel"?).

  • 05-16-2014, 04:27 AM

    Customize shortcuts as per windows 8 style

    we are working to support our product development on Windows 8/ 8.1.
    As part of that, Can we customize shortcuts as per windows 8 look and feel?.
    Now it shows all our product shortcuts are scattered. Can we give an option to group or rearrange in better way?

    Note : Currently we are using SetupBuilder 7.1.2860

    A. Vijayasaravanan

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