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  • 05-01-2015, 07:16 AM

    Re: WebUpdate always thinks there is a new update

    Another test on the latest Windows 10. Same result. Works as expected

    BTW, I can't access your server manifest file. So perhaps this is your problem? [Update: That link is behind a firewall / internal development]

  • 05-01-2015, 07:06 AM

    Re: WebUpdate always thinks there is a new update


    Compiled your projects here but changed the web address from your server to our server. Works as expected. Installed the initial setup, launched the web update and after that tried web update again.

  • 05-01-2015, 02:53 AM

    Re: WebUpdate always thinks there is a new update


    A few things to check:

    1. The "initial" and the "web update" projects must have the same Product GUID (General Information -> Product Properties).

    2. The iDeploy WebUpdate properties must have the same configuration settings (Web Deployment -> Enable Web Update "marked" -> right pane).

    3. In the initial project, Web Deployment -> Enable Web Update -> Install Web Update Client is ENABLED. In the web update project, Web Deployment -> Enable Web Update -> Install Web Update Client is DISABLED.

    If it still does not work, you can send your initial and web update project files to support [at] lindersoft [dot] com and we'll review your code.

    Does this help?

  • 04-30-2015, 09:42 AM

    WebUpdate always thinks there is a new update

    I'm trying to setup WebUpdate. I've followed the documentation to setup my original project and create an update project. After I install the initial deployment and my first update, wupdate.exe continues to think there is a new update and installs again. I've found a spot in the Registry where one version of my app was recorded under an old GUID that I used when I first was trying to get this to work yesterday. The current project has a different GUID, but it's not updating in the registry as an App under the WebUpdate key. I had tried so many different setting yesterday, so I checked out my original setupbuilder project again and started from scratch today, but still no luck. Should I try deleting that old key in the registry? I don't know what else could be causing this.


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