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  • 05-01-2015, 03:46 AM

    Re: Include scripts seem limited


    I agree 100%. You can't use the Visualizers (e.g. Files and Folders UI) to maintain include scripts. This is definitely a limitation! I think we can address it in the next SetupBuilder version.

    BTW, you can use all the script functions (including "Install File(s)...") in include scripts. I gave the multiple file selection limitation in the Script Editor a higher priority and I hope we have a solution for this in the next SB build.

    Thank you again for your suggestion. And if you have more, I am eager to hear them

  • 04-30-2015, 07:14 PM

    Include scripts seem limited

    Our set of installers use several includes that make commonly installed components easier to manage. I've created several include scripts that do this, but the include editor seems extremely limited. I can't add files, change details via Files and Folders UI etc as the sidebar is populated only with the Script Editor option, and there's the current limit on setting Details across multiple files in the Script Editor that make management very difficult. That means to maintain the scripts, I need to create them in a full script first, then cut/paste them into the include. to maintain, I need cut/paste back, modify, then cut/paste back into the include. Is that the way it works or am I missing something?

    Thanks for the quick responses! We're finally migrating from WISE and the assistance is appreciated! SetupBuilder is so nice compared to the other products we trialed. There are just a couple of things WISE did better that would make SetupBuilder killer...



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